What is a whole body cryotherapy chamber?
Whole-Body Cryotherapy: Can Extreme Cold Improve ...
Cryotherapy is an umbrella term for any wellness or medical treatment that uses freezing or near freezing cold temperatures. Also called cold therapy, it includes using ice, cold water, or cold air.
For centuries, people have used cold temperatures for overall health, to treat injuries, and to recover from sports. The use of cryotherapy can be traced as far back as ancient Greece. In , Japanese professor Toshio Yamauchi designed the first cryosauna.
Whole-body cryotherapy
In recent years, whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) has gained popularity as a wellness hack for physical and mental well-being. WBC is a kind of cryogenic therapy where you expose your body to very cold temperatures for a short time.
The theory behind WBC is that the extreme cold helps reduce inflammation in your body and reduces your pain or other symptoms. Supporters of the treatment argue that it works the same way as using ice application to ease swelling.
Unlike cryotherapy for medical treatments such as wart removal, whole-body cryotherapy for physical or mental wellness is not well researched. And the FDA has not approved WBC to treat any medical conditions or for post-exercise recovery.
Whole body cryotherapy can be hazardous to your skin
Woman entering a whole body cryotherapy chamber. Whole body cryotherapy (WBC) involves exposing your body to subzero temperatures for 2 to 4 minutes while nearly naked. Temperatures can exceed -200° Fahrenheit.
If youre wondering why anyone would do this, most people try it for the alleged health benefits. You may have seen claims that WBC can clear acne, eczema, and psoriasis as well as give you younger-looking skin.
Staff at spas, gyms, and other places that offer WBC claim that it can alleviate sore muscles and joints after a workout, allowing you to recover faster. Its even being offered as a way to lose weight and improve your mood.
As more WBC spas open, the list of WBC benefits seems to grow. Fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis are frequently promoted as conditions that WBC can treat.
Despite these claims, research studies have yet to prove that WBC can deliver any of these benefits.
WBC proven to injure skin
While the benefits of using WBC to treat sore muscles and diseases remain unproven, theres evidence that the extreme cold can injure your skin.
Reported skin injuries due to WBC include:
A frozen limb
Frostbite: This is the most common skin injury. American sprinter and Olympic champion Justin Gatlin developed frostbite on both feet during a WBC session, according to ESPN1. Hes not the only one. Researchers in Finland reported that 16% of the participants in a WBC research study developed mild frostbite.
Frostbite occurs when your skin (and sometimes the tissue beneath your skin) freezes. This can lead to permanent tissue damage.
Frozen limb: While trying WBC for the first time, one woman finished her 3-minute session with a frozen arm, according to the Dallas Observer. As her arm thawed, she developed painful swelling, blisters, and third-degree burns2. This is a type of severe frostbite.
Cold panniculitis: This rash developed after 8 whole body cryotherapy sessions. Rash (aka cold panniculitis): After having 8 WBC sessions within 2 weeks at a local gym, a 47-year-old man developed a rash. It started on his lower legs and spread to his thighs, belly, and arms. As the rash spread, it became somewhat itchy and painful.
Feeling very concerned, he saw a dermatologist and was diagnosed with cold panniculitis (pah-nick-you-lie-tis). This occurs when cold injures the deepest layer of skin the fatty tissue.
People who develop cold panniculitis often have a rash of:
Tiny, hard bumps
Raised and scaly patches
Deep lumps in their skin
To get rid of this rash, you must stop injuring your skin. This allows the skin to heal on its own. When this man stopped WBC, it took several weeks for his skin to heal.
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As the rash fades, some people see darker (or lighter) patches of skin where the rash once was. These patches can last for months before clearing.
WBC can injure more than your skin
Reports of other problems due to WBC include suffocating, sudden and temporary loss of memory, and eye injuries.
One woman who worked at a WBC center in Las Vegas suffocated while inside a chamber. She reportedly used the chamber after business hours when no one was around. The next day, fellow staffers found her body3.
Cryosurgery and WBC differ
If youve seen a board-certified dermatologist about a wart, pre-cancerous growth, or other skin condition, you may have had cryosurgery. Dermatologists use cryosurgery to freeze a small area of the skin in order to treat skin conditions and diseases. After one or more treatments, the wart or other lesion falls off.
Unlike WBC, cryosurgery is an accepted medical procedure. When performed by someone skilled in the procedure, such as a board-certified dermatologist, cryosurgery is safe and effective.
The cold facts: WBC benefits remain unproven, WBC unapproved by the FDA
While you may see links to studies on websites of businesses that offer WBC, these studies raise doubts among scientists. When scientists from the FDA reviewed the studies, they said, We found very little evidence about its safety or effectiveness in treating the conditions for which it is being promoted.
As a result, the FDA has not cleared or approved WBC as safe or effective to treat any medical condition.
In fact, the FDA is concerned that people using WBC may:
Injure themselves
Have no improvement (or worsening) of their medical conditions
Develop a new medical problem
Dermatologists share the FDAs concern
Dermatologists agree that WBC poses risks. They also understand that claims, such as WBC can clear acne and give you younger-looking skin, can make it tempting to try WBC.
Dermatologists dont recommend that anyone try WBC. If youre tempted, dermatologists say that you should proceed with caution. See your doctor first. Some people have a medical condition, such as nerve damage or heart disease, which can worsen with WBC.
Image 1: Getty Images
Image 2: Used with permission of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology: J Am Acad Dermatol. ;47:608-10.
Image 3: Used with permission of JAAD Case Reports: JAAD Case Reports. ;4:344-5.
Andrews MD. Cryosurgery for common skin conditions. Am Fam Physician. ;69(10):-72.
Associated Press. Justin Gatlin dealing with frostbite. ESPN. August 24, .
Greenwald E, Christman M, et al. Cold panniculitis: Adverse cutaneous effect of whole-body cryotherapy. JAAD Case Reports ;4:344-5.
Klimenko T, Ahvenainen S, et al. Research letter: Whole-body cryotherapy in atopic dermatitis. Arch Dermatol. ;144(6):806-8.
Nicholson E. A Dallas cryotherapy center accidentally froze a woman's arm, lawsuit says. Dallas Observer, December 2, .
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Whole body cryotherapy (WBC): A cool trend that lacks evidence, poses risks. July 5, . Last accessed May 30, .
1 Associated Press. Justin Gatlin dealing with frostbite. ESPN. August 24, .
2 Nicholson E. A Dallas cryotherapy center accidentally froze a woman's arm, lawsuit says. Dallas Observer, December 2, .
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Last updated: 7/17/23
Whole-Body Cryotherapy: Can Extreme Cold Improve ...
Cryotherapy is an umbrella term for any wellness or medical treatment that uses freezing or near freezing cold temperatures. Also called cold therapy, it includes using ice, cold water, or cold air.
For centuries, people have used cold temperatures for overall health, to treat injuries, and to recover from sports. The use of cryotherapy can be traced as far back as ancient Greece. In , Japanese professor Toshio Yamauchi designed the first cryosauna.
Whole-body cryotherapy
In recent years, whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) has gained popularity as a wellness hack for physical and mental well-being. WBC is a kind of cryogenic therapy where you expose your body to very cold temperatures for a short time.
The theory behind WBC is that the extreme cold helps reduce inflammation in your body and reduces your pain or other symptoms. Supporters of the treatment argue that it works the same way as using ice application to ease swelling.
Unlike cryotherapy for medical treatments such as wart removal, whole-body cryotherapy for physical or mental wellness is not well researched. And the FDA has not approved WBC to treat any medical conditions or for post-exercise recovery.
Whole body cryotherapy can be hazardous to your skin
Woman entering a whole body cryotherapy chamberwhole body cryotherapy chamber. Whole body cryotherapy (WBC) involves exposing your body to subzero temperatures for 2 to 4 minutes while nearly naked. Temperatures can exceed -200° Fahrenheit.
If youre wondering why anyone would do this, most people try it for the alleged health benefits. You may have seen claims that WBC can clear acne, eczema, and psoriasis as well as give you younger-looking skin.
Staff at spas, gyms, and other places that offer WBC claim that it can alleviate sore muscles and joints after a workout, allowing you to recover faster. Its even being offered as a way to lose weight and improve your mood.
As more WBC spas open, the list of WBC benefits seems to grow. Fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis are frequently promoted as conditions that WBC can treat.
Despite these claims, research studies have yet to prove that WBC can deliver any of these benefits.
WBC proven to injure skin
While the benefits of using WBC to treat sore muscles and diseases remain unproven, theres evidence that the extreme cold can injure your skin.
Reported skin injuries due to WBC include:
A frozen limb
Frostbite: This is the most common skin injury. American sprinter and Olympic champion Justin Gatlin developed frostbite on both feet during a WBC session, according to ESPN1. Hes not the only one. Researchers in Finland reported that 16% of the participants in a WBC research study developed mild frostbite.
Frostbite occurs when your skin (and sometimes the tissue beneath your skin) freezes. This can lead to permanent tissue damage.
Frozen limb: While trying WBC for the first time, one woman finished her 3-minute session with a frozen arm, according to the Dallas Observer. As her arm thawed, she developed painful swelling, blisters, and third-degree burns2. This is a type of severe frostbite.
Cold panniculitis: This rash developed after 8 whole body cryotherapy sessions. Rash (aka cold panniculitis): After having 8 WBC sessions within 2 weeks at a local gym, a 47-year-old man developed a rash. It started on his lower legs and spread to his thighs, belly, and arms. As the rash spread, it became somewhat itchy and painful.
Feeling very concerned, he saw a dermatologist and was diagnosed with cold panniculitis (pah-nick-you-lie-tis). This occurs when cold injures the deepest layer of skin the fatty tissue.
People who develop cold panniculitis often have a rash of:
Tiny, hard bumps
Raised and scaly patches
Deep lumps in their skin
To get rid of this rash, you must stop injuring your skin. This allows the skin to heal on its own. When this man stopped WBC, it took several weeks for his skin to heal.
As the rash fades, some people see darker (or lighter) patches of skin where the rash once was. These patches can last for months before clearing.
WBC can injure more than your skin
Reports of other problems due to WBC include suffocating, sudden and temporary loss of memory, and eye injuries.
One woman who worked at a WBC center in Las Vegas suffocated while inside a chamber. She reportedly used the chamber after business hours when no one was around. The next day, fellow staffers found her body3.
Cryosurgery and WBC differ
If youve seen a board-certified dermatologist about a wart, pre-cancerous growth, or other skin condition, you may have had cryosurgery. Dermatologists use cryosurgery to freeze a small area of the skin in order to treat skin conditions and diseases. After one or more treatments, the wart or other lesion falls off.
Unlike WBC, cryosurgery is an accepted medical procedure. When performed by someone skilled in the procedure, such as a board-certified dermatologist, cryosurgery is safe and effective.
The cold facts: WBC benefits remain unproven, WBC unapproved by the FDA
While you may see links to studies on websites of businesses that offer WBC, these studies raise doubts among scientists. When scientists from the FDA reviewed the studies, they said, We found very little evidence about its safety or effectiveness in treating the conditions for which it is being promoted.
As a result, the FDA has not cleared or approved WBC as safe or effective to treat any medical condition.
In fact, the FDA is concerned that people using WBC may:
Injure themselves
Have no improvement (or worsening) of their medical conditions
Develop a new medical problem
Dermatologists share the FDAs concern
Dermatologists agree that WBC poses risks. They also understand that claims, such as WBC can clear acne and give you younger-looking skin, can make it tempting to try WBC.
Dermatologists dont recommend that anyone try WBC. If youre tempted, dermatologists say that you should proceed with caution. See your doctor first. Some people have a medical condition, such as nerve damage or heart disease, which can worsen with WBC.
Image 1: Getty Images
Image 2: Used with permission of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology: J Am Acad Dermatol. ;47:608-10.
Image 3: Used with permission of JAAD Case Reports: JAAD Case Reports. ;4:344-5.
Andrews MD. Cryosurgery for common skin conditions. Am Fam Physician. ;69(10):-72.
Associated Press. Justin Gatlin dealing with frostbite. ESPN. August 24, .
Greenwald E, Christman M, et al. Cold panniculitis: Adverse cutaneous effect of whole-body cryotherapy. JAAD Case Reports ;4:344-5.
Klimenko T, Ahvenainen S, et al. Research letter: Whole-body cryotherapy in atopic dermatitis. Arch Dermatol. ;144(6):806-8.
Nicholson E. A Dallas cryotherapy center accidentally froze a woman's arm, lawsuit says. Dallas Observer, December 2, .
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Whole body cryotherapy (WBC): A cool trend that lacks evidence, poses risks. July 5, . Last accessed May 30, .
1 Associated Press. Justin Gatlin dealing with frostbite. ESPN. August 24, .
2 Nicholson E. A Dallas cryotherapy center accidentally froze a woman's arm, lawsuit says. Dallas Observer, December 2, .
Last updated: 7/17/23
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