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The pan-Canadian Tiered Pricing Framework and Chinese ...

The pan-Canadian Tiered Pricing Framework and Chinese ...

There is a directionality effect among the three dimensions in the linear model, and each component will be directly impacted by the antecedent one either positively or negatively. In the next sections, these three components are equally explored to provide a comprehensive and nuanced analysis of the TPF and NVBP policies.

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Outcome ultimately describes the explicit results demonstrated by the antecedents of structure and process. In the outcome of this analysis, the comparative results of negotiation activities, price, and price reductions will be presented. The potential impact of these policies on key stakeholders, such as patients, health care providers, and pharmaceutical companies, will also be examined.

Process refers to each clear step performed by the structure as the overall policy implementation progress. Process here involves all concrete procedures of the TPF and NVBP from beginning to end, meanwhile, the detailed rules in each procedure will be articulated as well, such as initial leadership of the policies, drug inclusion criteria, obligations and positions of each institution, final procurement and drug insurance listing.

Structure is defined as the setting where a policy occurs. For this study, we specifically define the structure component as the macro context of the health care system, including its design, reform objectives, previous pricing cut attempts and policy objectives. We also consider the type of negotiated drugs and the key players involved in policy development, such as promoters and stakeholders, as they are important factors in understanding the specific policies and why they were created. Additionally, the historical and socioeconomic context of either country will be considered as an important aspect of the structure component, as it can shape the environment in which policies are introduced and implemented.

The materials used for analysis included not only published studies but also authors' opinions and ideas that were generated through academic forums, in-depth contemplation, interaction with policymakers and years of experience in drug policy and health economics. We utilised inferential, deductive and counterfactual reasoning to test proposed hypotheses and examine underlying reasons for our findings. This approach allowed us to go beyond the available evidence and draw upon a wide range of knowledge and expertise in the field.

We conducted a rigorous literature search to gather relevant information on the topic. Our comprehensive search strategy included the major databases of MEDLINE, Web of Science and Embase, as well as screening of relevant grey literature using the Grey Matter Checklist. We used a combination of Medical Subject Headings terms and text-words in the following concept areas: Tiered Pricing Framework, pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance, Volume-based Procurement, and 4 + 7. Additionally, we manually searched the reference lists of full-text articles to identify any additional relevant studies. A detailed description of our search strategy and data extraction process is presented in Appendix S1 in the Online Supplementary Document .

Comparative analysis


Tiered Pricing Framework Structure

The organisational structure of the Canadian health care system is highly decentralised. Rather than having one national health plan, the 13 provinces/territories' governments bear the individual responsibilities for the management, organisation and delivery of health care services for their residents. Under this system, all Canadians have the opportunity to access medically essential services without any out-of-pocket fees [14]. The goals of health care system reform in Canada include a pan-Canadian system of drug coverage and structural reforms to improve efficiency [15]. However, the national legislation has no provision for mandatory universal drug coverage. Each province/territory has evolved its unique systems of public drug insurance within their jurisdiction, which has led to Canada becoming the only developed country with universal health coverage that excludes drug coverage [16]. The population covered and the available drugs vary significantly across Canada.

Given the high drug costs but a paucity of universal drug insurance, the province/territory drug plans have increasingly strong incentives to negotiate price discounts with pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, the pan-Canadian Pricing Alliance was created in August 2010 to negotiate price discounts with pharmaceutical companies for public drug plans across all provinces/territories and federally administered.

The pCPA member jurisdictions include public drug plans and/or cancer agency participation. Although the federal and private drug insurance plans are not participating, the latter has expressed a willingness to participate in pCPA [17]. Despite the hodgepodge of public drug plans in Canada that vary in each province/territory, the federal government still has the stewardship of pharmaceutical approval and regulation. As for the governance of the pCPA, province/territory Deputy Ministers of Health oversee pCPA initiatives and appoint a chair of the Governing Council, which leads the pCPA and the pCPA office. They meet twice annually and on an “as-needed” basis to engage in knowledge sharing on jurisdictional priorities, issues and concerns that impact the Canadian health system, and identify and direct initiatives that require collective leadership and action [18]. Representatives selected from Governing Council and Drug Plan Leads assemble the Management Committee, which executes the strategic direction of the Governing Council, addresses issues or disputes that may arise in negotiations, provides direction and assistance to Drug Plan Leads, and provides managerial direction to the pCPA Office. Drug Plan Leads are Operational leaders for the implementation of pCPA initiatives for each jurisdiction and they provide jurisdictional perspectives in the negotiation process and work with the pCPA office to improve the efficiency and effectiveness across jurisdictions.

All drug price negotiations are classified into two categories: the pCPA negotiation for brand name drugs and TFP for generic drugs, the former of which are prioritised products by pCPA. As stated by itself, the main objectives of TFP are to lower the prices of generic drugs and to increase coverage and price consistency across public drug plans [19]. The relationship between Canada’s health care system, reforms and TPF has been shown in , panel A.

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National Volume-Based Procurement Structure

The Chinese health care system has undergone several rounds of administrative reforms aimed at decentralisation, but the role of the central government remains dominant in health care decision-making and legislation.

The Open and Reform policy in the late 1970s led to fiscal neglect of public hospitals [20] and they became increasingly dependent on profits from overprescribing and selling expensive medicines in balancing revenue and expenses. A high proportion of pharmaceuticals occupies spending that should be allocated to health services. For instance, the fee for medical consultation in China is usually lower than 10 Renminbi (RMB) (about two Canadian dollars). The prices of health services provided by doctors and nurses are much lower than their values, which motivates them to overprescribe for profits. Therefore, one of the core objectives of the Chinese health care system is to adopt value-based strategic purchasing to align incentives with the needs, quality, and outcomes of patients. By reducing costs spent on drugs, more money can be paid to doctors and nurses for health services. Hence, the government can reform the pricing mechanism of health services and the medical worker’s compensation plan, which should redirect the motivation from prescribing pharmaceuticals to providing high-quality care. The cornerstone of the whole reform relies on how to successfully reduce drug prices.

In 2018, China began to implement the National Volume-Based Procurement programme to encourage large-scale group purchases of high-quality drugs and improve the security of the drug supply in the country. The first round of NVBP involved four provincial cities and seven sub-provincial cities, known as the “4 + 7 scheme”. In the following year, all provincial entities in mainland China joined the NVBP programme.

A working group was created to organise the NVBP and led by the State Council, which is the highest executive body in China. Representatives from the national health payer, regulator, and administrator participate in the process. The National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA), a newly formed agency in 2018, administers most of the NVBP programme. It has the authority for pricing and procurement of drugs and the stewardship of health insurance payments across the country. The National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) is responsible for regulating quality evaluation and drug assessment in the decision-making process and conducts the Generics Consistency Evaluation (GCE), a mandatory bioequivalence test introduced in 2015 to review the quality and efficacy of China's domestically produced generic drugs in comparison with their brand-name counterparts. The National Health Commission (NHC) facilitates the programme by introducing policies that motivate the purchasing and prescription of selected drugs and manage the behaviour of health providers [21]. Under the working group, the Joint Procurement Office (JPO) supervises the bidding-tendering and procurement processes, and the Sunshine Medical Procurement All-In-One (a local drug, diagnostic, and device procurement agency in Shanghai) supports the daily work of the JPO. The JPO is composed of representatives who serve as deputy directors from the local governments of the jurisdictions involved. The directors of the JPO are elected by these deputy directors. These representatives act as agents of public hospitals in their respective jurisdictions, responsible for organising, conducting and overseeing the NVBP process.

According to government files, the main objectives of the NVBP programme include a significant reduction in drug prices and patients' burden, a reduction in transaction costs and improvement of the pharmaceutical industry ecology, improvement of drug use, support for the reform of public hospitals and exploration of the bulk purchasing mechanism. The relationship between the Chinese health care system, reforms and NVBP is shown in , panel B.

Structure comparison

The dimension of structure is complex and shows obvious variations in terms of practice context and type. First, when looking at the background, we found that the Chinese health care system is still in active transition with several clear reform objectives, whereas the health care system in Canada is relatively stable. While managing to lower the price of generic drugs is a shared objective of both TPF and NVBP, different health care system structures and histories have endowed these two programmes with different missions. According to the Health Canada Act of 1984, the province/territory governments are responsible for health insurance in their jurisdictions. As a consequence, although all residents of Canada are eligible for publicly funded drugs, the coverage varies considerably across the country [22]. Therefore, increasing coverage and price consistency across public drug plans are also important objectives of TPF. As for the NVBP, other main objectives include exploring rational generic drug pricing mechanisms and improving the pharmaceutical industry ecology. One possible reason is pharmaceutical market maturity: Canada has a mature pricing mechanism based on the principles of the market, with massive written and unwritten rules, while the Chinese governments (both central and local) are still exploring a rational pricing system for drugs. In fact, during a very long time in the past, even current, drug pricing in China is not based on market activity but on obscure internal negotiations between medical institutes and pharmaceutical companies, where massive bribes grow. Besides, the reimbursement health insurance system in China leads to another significant difference: NVBP also focuses on the patient’s financial burden. It is worthy of note that this is not equal to lower drug prices which is merely a part. Impeding overprescription and using generics as an alternative to brand-name drugs can effectively reduce the cost pressure on both patients and the health insurance system.

As we noticed, aligned with their specific political conditions, the most significant divergence between the pCPA and the NVBP is the leadership. The pCPA is initiated at the province/territory level, while the NVBP is nationally organised. Under the pCPA, what is proved to be a hurdle is the patchwork of public drug plans in Canada. The provinces/territories are accountable for individual revenue streams, demographics, political priorities, government budgets and “pressures”; they might therefore undoubtedly come to the negotiation table with varied concerns and purposes [23]. Subsequently, although members commonly share the pricing results, likely, the costs saved are not equal among all provinces/territories. For instance, incidence rates of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the province of Nova Scotia are much higher than the national average (7 vs. 4.2%) [17]. Drug price deduction is more cost-effective and offers better societal value in a province with a high number of cases than if listed in other provinces. Federal decentralisation in Canada might increase the difficulty of cross-regional corporations to some extent, like the difficulty to gather purchasing power we mention above. The impact of federal decentralisation is further, and one is the lack of procurement quantity expectation. The TPF only involves pricing and the following procurement is conducted by province/territory governments. Neither buyer nor the manufacturer knows the precise sales volume, which forces both of them to make the risky decision that erodes the advantage of bulk in bulk purchasing. Therefore, completing such a multi-party action would require more vigorous efforts of intergovernmental coordination and consensus. By contrast, one of the main principles of NVBP is “national organising”. Unlike previous procurement initiatives in China, NVBP is on target to restructure generic procurement in the country, so it was guaranteed a high degree of political commitment from a powerful national government, along with a bidding-tendering process at the national level, a working group directly led by the State Council and a series of unified policies in pilot areas.

Both the NVBP and pCPA programmes involve representatives from local governments, allowing for the inclusion of local interests and facilitating the acceptance of decisions by participating jurisdictions. This organisational structure ensures that local characteristics are taken into account during the design and implementation of the programmes. The fragmentation of China's health insurance system, similar to Canada's system, with coordinated medical insurance fund pools at the provincial or municipal levels, contributes to the need for incorporating local representatives into the management of NVBP. This consideration is essential due to the significant disparities in health systems across China.


Tiered Pricing Framework Process

The Tiered Pricing Framework (TPF) process for generic drugs involves market entry and market exit activities, as shown in , panels A and B [24,25]. To list a generic drug on a public drug plan formulary, the manufacturer must submit an application to the pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance Office (pCPAO), which then determines the appropriate price tier based on whether the drug is a single, dual, or multi-source product. The price tiers range from 25 to 85% of the brand reference price. Once a TPF Pricing Confirmation Form is received, all competitors must adjust their prices to match the pCPA’s Calculated Unit Price. Market exit notifications trigger a similar process to assess whether the manufacturer meets the criteria for exiting the market. It is important to note that only changes in the TPF tier will trigger a price change for generic drugs, and there is currently no central process for price increase applications. A detailed process is presented in Appendix S2 in the Online Supplementary Document.

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National Volume-Based Procurement Process

The NVBP process is a type of tendering conducted by the Chinese central government twice a year, covering specific drugs that meet certain requirements, such as having no less than two manufacturers in the market, being covered by the National Health Insurance List (NHIL), being clinically necessary, having a large market size and high spending. Only generic drugs that have passed the Generics Consistency Evaluation (GCE) can participate in the tendering process, which tests the quality and efficacy of China’s domestically produced generic drugs. During the bidding process, the price is the most important criterion, and the manufacturer(s) with the lowest price(s) are usually selected as the winner(s), as shown in , panel C. Public medical institutions estimate the total purchase volume of the selected drugs based on past consumption, and after the final price is established, they sign contracts and purchase drugs with the final supplier independently. The procurement process is regulated by both central and local governments and 30% of the total costs are directly transferred from local health insurance bureaus to medical facilities to alleviate their financial burden. A detailed process is presented in Appendix S3 in the Online Supplementary Document.

Process comparison

Although process is typically thought to have the biggest impact on outcomes, it can also provide feedback about the structure already in place. In nature, TPF is a kind of tiered pricing scheme while NVBP is a tendering process [26], and both are significantly influenced by structural factors. As mentioned earlier, a pan-Canadian system of drug coverage is a major objective of the Canadian health care system, which consequently requires drug price consistency among different provinces/territories. Therefore, price caps and tiered pricing scheme are almost the only two workable methods to ensure price consistency. As far as we know, both were once implemented in some provinces/territories before the establishment of pCPA. From 1993 to 2013, the maximum allowable list price (MALP) was widely used as a price cap in many provincial public programmes, under which generic drug prices were capped at a fixed percentage of the respective branded product’s price [27]; in 1993, Ontario government regulated that the first generic entrant must be priced at no more than 75% of the price of the branded product, any subsequent generics at no more than 90% of the first generic price [28,29], which declined to 25% in following decades [27]. However, tiered pricing frameworks are a better choice than price caps, given the key defects of price cap programmes such as no price reduction over time [30], no available information to set price cap [31], and difficulty rationalising a “one size fits all” type of price-cap regulation [32]. Moreover, the influence of pharmaceutical market maturity is a more foundational factor that explains the institutional choice of Canada and China. The tiered pricing framework works only in countries with a relatively stable pharmaceutical market, as it is in Canada, Austria, Portugal, and South Korea [33,34]. If the number of manufacturers changes rapidly, the drug price will be unstable, which can misguide the government, patients, and the market itself. Therefore, for LMICs like China with unstable pharmaceutical manufacturer size, volume-based tendering and procurement seems a better choice. As it should be, NVBP in China is also a result of the “inertia” of previous practices, with several hospitals conducting the very first pooled procurement as early as 1993, followed by the gradual prevalence of pooled procurement by tendering at the municipal and provincial levels. In conclusion, major health care system reform objectives, pharmaceutical market maturity, and history are three key factors in policy choice in China and Canada.

The GCE policy design is unique, and influenced by certain Chinese-tailored factors. We did not find a similar practice in Canada or any other countries, even in those implemented tendering pricing mechanisms. GCE aims to test the quality and efficacy of domestically produced generic drugs in comparison to their corresponding brand-name versions. In other words, drugs that pass the GCE have identical quality and efficacy [35]. Only drugs that pass the GCE can participate in NVBP bidding. Thus, although GCE is not a legally required step in NVBP, it functions as a “step zero”. We believe there are two possible necessities for GCE. The first one still comes from the immature pharmaceutical market in China. In the past, China's generic manufacturers exhibited numerous shortcomings, such as small-scale production, uneven quality, and outmoded production technology. For a long time, physicians and patients were skeptical of the quality of generic drugs, which hindered the industry's sustainable development and further increased the burden on the Chinese health system. Another is the lack of government regulation. In the last few decades, many drugs were approved without proper testing due to various reasons. The GCE functions not only as a quality test but also as a means of simplifying NVBP procedures (usually finished within 40 days) and improving the transparency of tendering since all drugs that pass the GCE are considered for pricing based on almost only the criterion of price.

Another significant process difference between TPF and NVBP is that the latter directly links pricing and procurement. Under TPF, the price of a generic drug is determined by the price of the branded product and the number of existing manufacturers when there is no specific or guaranteed procurement. However, for NVBP, the JPO releases detailed information about procurement (order quantity, period, location, etc.) before the bidding process. Thus, Canadian generic drug manufacturers need to make risk decisions with unclear order quantities and clear prices, whereas Chinese manufacturers enter into market competition with unclear prices but clear order quantities. Nonetheless, TPF is also associated with procurement from public programmes: generic drugs failing to match the pCPA’s Calculated Unit Price will be considered non-compliant and delisted from public drug plan formularies consequently.

We also believe that the NVBP represents a transfer of purchasing power from decentralised medical institutions, which are difficult to supervise, to a centralised organisation. As the main purchasing entities, the public medical institutions in the NVBP jurisdictions are explicitly required by the governments to commit to the entire volume they submitted after completing the price negotiation. Also, to ensure that the selected drugs receive priority use in hospitals, the governments have implemented several supporting policies. The NHSA incorporates the selected drugs into the national formulary and clarifies the new payment arrangements. In addition, the Nation Health Commission modifies the performance evaluation approaches of public hospitals with new incentive systems. For example, hospitals with priority use and guaranteed dosage of the selected drugs are preferred in the receipt of awards and funding under the public hospital reform background, whereas hospitals that failed to complete the tasks receive some administrative penalties, like reduced government financial subsidies or lower annual performance score [21]. Thus, due to the mission of hospitals, administrators of hospitals might pressure physicians to prioritise the use of the negotiated products. However, some deficiencies of NVBP have also gradually been revealed, such as the indirect prohibition of the use of other products in public hospitals, which might excessively interfere with the prescribing choice of physicians and affect the normal clinical needs of patients to a large degree. In Canada's decentralised health care system, such a transfer of purchasing power is unlikely to occur. Furthermore, the regulation on procurement is well-established. The balance between buyers and manufacturers, and federal and province/territory governments could be broken, if pCPA tried to centralise the purchasing power. TPF and NVBP processes summary is presented in .

Table 1

ItemsTiered Pricing FrameworkNational Volume-Based ProcurementStructureMacro contextFederal stateUnitary countryPromoterProvince/territory governments (upstream)Central government (downstream)Main parties involvedIntergovernmental institutions, alliances, provincial/territory government, pharmaceutical industryNational departments, alliances, public medical institutions, pharmaceutical industryType of priced drugsGeneric drugMainly for generic drugHealthcare system reform objectivesPan-Canadian system of drug coverageValue-based strategic purchasing Structural reforms to improve efficiencyIncrease health service prices and improve medical worker’s compensation planProgramme objectivesLower the prices of generic drugsSignificant reduction in drug price and patients’ burdenIncrease coverage and price consistency across public drug plansReduction in transaction costImprove the pharmaceutical industry ecologyImprove the drug usingSupport the reform of public hospitals Explore the bulk purchasing mechanismProcessPricing mechanismTiered price schemeTenderingBeginningManufacturer submits applicationGovernment releases procurement informationEntry criteriaNoGenerics consistency evaluationPrice cut limit15 ~ 75%0 ~ 100%ProcurementPricing and procurement are not directly linked.Pricing and procurement are directly linked. Overpriced generic drugs will be delisted from public drug plan formularies.Transferring the purchasing power from the separative medical institute to a centralised organisation.OutcomeEfficiency748 kinds of generic drugs. About 98 generic drugs per year345 drugs in total. About 86 drugs per year.Effective53% on average (15 ~ 75%)53% on average (0 ~ 98%)Savings740 million CAD in savings annually17 billion CAD savings annuallyOther outcomesGeneric drug price consistencyRelease patients’ financial burdenAccelerates generic entry in small marketsMotivated doctors to prescribe more affordable bidding winner drugsProtect interests of the opening-up-market manufacturerOpen in a separate window


Tiered Pricing Framework Outcomes

From its inception to July 2022, TPF assessed and priced 748 types of generic drugs, resulting in an average price reduction of 53%. According to the pCPA, as of April 2022, TPF has saved an annual total of 740 million Canadian dollars (CAD) [36]. In addition to cost savings, TPF has helped maintain consistency in generic drug pricing across the provinces/territories, contributing to improved health equity. However, it is not clear from the publicly available evidence whether TPF has led to an expansion of public drug coverage in Canada.

By comparing drug prices and market entry before and after the establishment of pCPA, TPF has been shown to accelerate the entry of generic drugs into small markets, creating the benefits of generic competition while avoiding the drawbacks of previously used price-cap regulations [27].

National Volume-Based Procurement Outcomes

As of the end of 2022, seven rounds of NVBP had been conducted, resulting in the selection of 294 drugs and an average price cut of 53% (ranging from 0 to 98%). According to the leader of NHSA, as of February 2022, the savings from NVBP had reached 260 billion RMB (approximately 51 billion CAD).

NVBP has successfully reduced drug prices, alleviated patients’ financial burdens, and improved accessibility [37,38]. NVBP has motivated doctors to prescribe more affordable bidding-winner drugs, instead expensive originator drugs [39]. However, total drug expenditures were not effectively controlled due to the increasing use of the drugs that have won the bidding process [40].

Overlapped drugs comparison

We compared the drug lists of NVBP and TPF and found 60 overlapping drugs as shown in . All price information was adjusted to the baseline year of 2021 using purchase power parity (PPP) and exchange rate data provided by the World Bank. The prices under NVBP were 37.03% (exchange rate) and 57.00% (PPP) of their TPF counterparts. However, given that China’s adjusted net national income per capita is only about 20% of Canada's in the most recent year, drug prices remain relatively expensive for the Chinese population, resulting in limited accessibility. Tablets had the lowest relative price, while tablets in extended-release form had the highest.

Table 2

Ingredient nameDosage formStrengthStandardised price of NVBP (CAD)*Standardised price of TPF (CAD)*Comparison by exchange rate†Comparison by purchase power parity‡EntecavirTablet0.5 mg0.045.50000.72%1.11%Adefovir dipivoxilTablet10 mg0.1820.70670.88%1.35%NifedipineTablet20 mg0.011.07021.07%1.64%GlimepirideTablet1 mg0.010.81861.29%1.99%GlimepirideTablet2 mg0.010.89081.43%2.19%CaptoprilTablet25 mg0.000.30521.44%2.22%Tenofovir disoproxil fumarateTablet300 mg0.084.57751.66%2.56%LeflunomideTablet10 mg0.102.92523.34%5.14%Ceftriaxone sodiumPowder for solution1000 mg0.4914.01063.49%5.37%AmbrisentanTablet5 mg4.21115.05843.66%5.63%FluconazoleTablet50 mg0.051.20833.88%5.97%Indapamide hemihydrateTablet2.5 mg0.010.24995.18%7.98%LevofloxacinTablet250 mg0.091.58925.66%8.71%Ceftriaxone sodiumPowder for solution250 mg0.264.42925.94%9.14%CefprozilTablet250 mg0.151.73748.35%12.85%CefuroximeTablet250 mg0.090.886810.00%15.39%Clindamycin hydrochlorideCapsule150 mg0.030.228111.26%17.33%Pioglitazone hydrochlorideTablet30 mg0.100.872111.37%17.50%Pioglitazone hydrochlorideTablet15 mg0.080.622512.99%19.99%Cetirizine hydrochlorideTablet10 mg0.030.208213.44%20.69%CeftazidimePowder for solution1000 mg1.8213.005214.02%21.58%AripiprazoleTablet5 mg0.130.904614.14%21.76%Sildenafil citrateTablet25 mg0.402.806214.42%22.20%linezolidTablet600 mg7.5943.801117.33%26.67%TicagrelorTablet60 mg0.191.061218.16%27.96%LisinoprilTablet10 mg0.050.222120.86%32.10%LevofloxacinTablet500 mg0.381.811021.26%32.72%Metoprolol tartrateTablet50 mg0.020.083123.27%35.82%Meropenem trihydratePowder for solution500 mg2.038.635923.49%36.15%Zoledronic acidSolution4 mg/5 ml8.8337.408223.60%36.33%TicagrelorTablet90 mg0.281.112424.79%38.15%Candesartan cilexetilTablet4 mg0.050.211425.20%38.79%Montelukast sodiumGranules4 mg0.381.490625.34%39.00%Duloxetine hydrochlorideCapsule60 mg0.230.914825.51%39.26%AcarboseTablet50 mg0.040.134826.32%40.51%Oseltamivir phosphateCapsule75 mg0.381.039336.52%56.21%Enalapril maleateTablet10 mg0.110.304536.85%56.72%CapecitabineTablet500 mg0.551.482937.23%57.30%TemozolomideCapsule100 mg34.8087.464839.79%61.24%Moxifloxacin hydrochlorideTablet400 mg0.591.426141.45%63.80%GefitinibTablet250 mg8.4119.373243.39%66.78%LetrozoleTablet2.5 mg0.701.538045.41%69.88%ApixabanTablet2.5 mg0.531.147346.43%71.46%Esomeprazole magnesiumTablet20 mg0.250.515047.87%73.67%TemozolomideCapsule20 mg9.4617.492354.09%83.26%VoriconazoleTablet50 mg4.027.169756.09%86.33%Escitalopram oxalateTablet10 mg0.821.449556.64%87.18%Losartan potassiumTablet50 mg0.210.360958.50%90.04%LacosamideTablet50 mg0.350.591158.73%90.39%RepaglinideTablet1 mg0.060.094261.14%94.11%Lurasidone hydrochlorideTablet40 mg0.721.147163.15%97.19%LacosamideTablet100 mg0.580.819471.11%109.45%Olmesartan medoxomilTablet20 mg0.210.282774.93%115.33%Abiraterone acetateTablet250 mg5.967.656377.81%119.77%BicalutamideTablet50 mg1.621.954882.89%127.57%Quetiapine fumarateTablet er50 mg0.230.2342100.33%154.42%Quetiapine fumarateTablet er200 mg0.660.6237105.67%162.64%GliclazideTablet er30 mg0.130.0872151.21%232.73%Cefazolin sodiumPowder for solution500 mg1.300.8438154.15%237.26%Cefazolin sodiumPowder for solution1000 mg2.391.2215195.95%301.59%In total (tablet)TabletN/AN/AN/A28.45%43.76%In total (capsule)CapsuleN/AN/AN/A33.43%51.46%In total (powder for solution)Powder for solutionN/AN/AN/A66.17%101.85%In total (tablet er)Tablet erN/AN/AN/A119.07%183.26%In totalN/AN/AN/AN/A37.03%57.00%Open in a separate window

We also found that the number of winning manufacturers under NVBP affected relative prices, with better results achieved when there was a single or more than four winning manufacturers ( ).

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Outcome comparison

During the last seven and a half years, TPF assessed and priced 748 kinds of generic drugs, which amounts to an average of approximately 98 drugs per year. If we consider data since the implementation of NVBP in 2019, the number is 141 drugs per year. Since the implementation of NVBP in 2019, 345 drugs have been included in the programme, which equates to approximately 86 drugs per year. The efficiency of TPF is significantly higher than that of NVBP in recent years, possibly because the drug list and order size for tendering are determined by various government sectors, which slows down the pricing process. It's important to emphasise that the results of this comparison do not necessarily represent the ideal or maximum efficiency attainable by the two systems. Instead, they reflect the observed outcomes in practical implementation. The number of drugs assessed by TPF may primarily reflect pharmaceutical companies' willingness to participate. Their motivation is often driven by commercial benefits and market demand rather than inherent limitations of the TPF system itself. In contrast, the Chinese government plays a more proactive role in determining the number and types of drugs included in NVBP's tendering process. These decisions are typically based on factors such as the health care needs of the Chinese population, the availability of existing suppliers, and the prevalence of specific drugs within the market. These figures provide valuable insights into how TPF and NVBP have performed in real-world scenarios, but they should not be interpreted as definitive measures of the inherent capabilities of the systems. Both systems have their unique strengths and limitations, and their effectiveness can vary depending on specific contexts and evolving circumstances within the pharmaceutical market.

TPF regulations stipulate that the price reduction should be between 15 and 75%, depending on the number of manufacturers. However, NVBP does not have any specific regulations on the percentage of price reduction, and the actual range in practice is between 0 and 98%, which is less restrictive than TPF. Since the beginning of pCPA, some experts question the rationality of TPF’s three-tiered pricing mechanism and believe that a 75% price cut is still too low for some generic drugs because production costs may be closer to 2 or 3% of the price of the brand-name drug [10,41]. In fact, in recent years, there are some arguments that Canada could consider tendering [42,43]. However, our results show that the effectiveness of NVBP and TPF is rather similar, with both programmes achieving an average price reduction of approximately 53%. Therefore, we cautiously assume adding more tiers or increasing the price cut percentage of TPF may not lead to a further reduction in drug prices. An overview of the information on NVBP and TPF is presented in .

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Both TPF and NVBP have achieved cost savings in drug spending through pricing mechanisms that leverage resources from various participants. Yet, we refrain from directly comparing these savings due to significant differences in population size, morbidity and mortality profiles, and other contextual factors. However, governments need to proceed with caution and consider the risks of emphasising the reduction of drug prices without a long-term plan for balancing the interests of multiple stakeholders. If the government is too focused on achieving a reduction in drug prices and fails to create an acceptable framework for guaranteeing sales volume to compensate for the revenue losses of manufacturers, generic manufacturers may have less incentive to introduce certain products into the market or postpone their introduction. The case of Apotex can explain why the price cut is as low as 15 or 25% when there is a single supplier in Canada [44]. Apotex developed a new formulation for Lipitor that it believed did not infringe Pfizer’s remaining patents. Before Pfizer sued Apotex for patent infringement, Apotex had spent many millions of dollars and managed to get approval from Health Canada. Once Apotex had cleared all the relevant hurdles, Pfizer did not object to other generic manufacturers entering the market [44]. In this case, Apotex, as the first generic manufacturer, bore almost all the risk of patent infringement, and the following generic manufacturers could share the benefits of opening up the market. As for NVBP, the majority of the listed suppliers are large domestic companies. Some multinational companies, such as Pfizer and Sanofi, also provided discounts of 10 to 30% at the beginning of the tendering activity, but some of them withdrew when faced with the incredibly low prices offered by Chinese drug industries. Those multinationals usually are less willing to compromise on a low price; thus, making it difficult for them to survive in such an environment. In reality, the prices of non-winning products also decreased after NVBP bidding to save the market [45].

Under the NVBP, a key characteristic is that once a company wins the bid with the lowest price, it can quickly capture a large portion of the market share. However, there are several risks associated with this phenomenon. In some cases, winning bidders are possibly not manufacturers with large-scale production capacity, which raises concerns about their ability to guarantee a sufficient drug supply and avoid shortages. Additionally, non-winning bidders may experience significant market share losses, which could potentially lead to bankruptcy. The high purchase volume associated with the NVBP once led to economic chaos in the Chinese pharmaceutical market. Companies participating in the NVBP bidding have gone to great lengths to win, causing drug prices to fall well beyond market expectations. The stock price of bidding loser companies, even some winning companies, tumbled about 15% on average [46,47]. This has created a paradox: the NVBP, which aimed to improve the pharmaceutical industry's ecology, has instead disrupted the market [48]. It is uncertain whether this kind of stock fluctuation will continue in the future, but the leading reason for it is likely the transfer of purchasing power, as previously mentioned. It is also concerning whether the huge purchase volume associated with the NVBP will lead to the monopolisation of some pharmaceutical enterprises with strong production capacity, as this would violate the programme’s original intention of achieving price reduction through competition. The era of high gross profits for generic drugs is over, and small enterprises without high-quality products, production capacity, and core competitiveness will be eliminated one after another [47]. Furthermore, the order size from well-developed provinces is typically larger than that from less-developed provinces, intensifying market competition. As a result, drug prices in more developed provinces are lower than those in less developed provinces, exacerbating health inequities and reducing drug accessibility.

Another significant difference between TPF and NVBP is that the latter requires many supporting policies to ensure that the contracts can be fulfilled. As mentioned earlier, TPF does not directly impact procurement, whereas specific contracts are signed between suppliers and public buyers after NVBP. The central and local governments implement many supporting policies to ensure that all these contracts can be fulfilled and to incentivise the use of drugs from winning bidders. These policies, on the one hand, interfere with the prescribing choices of physicians and, on the other hand, discourage over-prescription. provides a summary of the outcomes of TPF and NVBP.

The durability of NVBP and TPF may differ significantly. In terms of historical precedent, previous attempts like price caps have lasted for decades in Canada. Since TPF has been working well since its implementation, there is no reason to question its continuation. However, views about NVBP are conflicting. Some argue that NVBP should become a regular and normalised programme to achieve sustainable price reductions for generic drugs. On the other hand, some suggest that NVBP has fulfilled its historical mission and that the central government should delegate its centralised purchasing power to local governments [49]. It is difficult to determine which view is correct at this moment, but a pricing mechanism that provides long-term stability is needed in China. This mechanism could be NVBP or some other policy design. The primary characteristic of NVBP is a price reduction, and many people now take a 50% reduction in price for granted. The price of generic drugs cannot continuously decrease. The question is whether NVBP is still necessary if it achieves zero price reductions in the future.

It is also interesting to note that some people have discussed and studied the impact of TPF or NVBP on pharmaceutical innovation [48]. However, innovation encouragement is not one of the objectives of either programme, and we will not be discussing it in this study.

Orcinol | 504-15-4 supplier and manufacturer


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CAS No.:



orcinol, 98% 5gr | orcinol | orcil | 3,5-orcinol | 3,5-toluenediol | akos 92132 | methylresorcinol | orcin | orcinol,98% | 5-methylresorcin



Molecular Weight:




Suppliers & Distributors

registered suppliers of Orcinol worldwide

Listed are 17 international and reliable suppliers for Orcinol. They are coming from 7 countries around the world. These vendors belong to 4 different business types like 'Internat. trading company' and 'Supplier'
Please contact all the below listed distributors/manufacturers for Orcinol and ask for prices, package standards and transport possibilities. Our registered distributors will help you to get all necessary information and product specifications.

List of Suppliers

Shandong Minglang Chemical Co., Ltd.

Company type: Analytical Institution

Minglang Chemical is owned by Minglang Group,is a large manufacturer of fine chemicals and cosmetic materials that integrates R&D,production and sales together.It is located in the east of the Nanwang Economic Development District in Linzi,and the west of it is Qilu Petroleum Chemical Group,the east of it is Zijiang Road and the transportation is convenient.The enterprise covers an area of 9,000 square meters and the building area can be 3,200 square meters. Shandong Minglang Chemical Co., Ltd. also offers . Shandong Minglang Chemical Co., Ltd. is supplier for Orcinol. In recent years,t ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-13220566916   Telefax: +86 531 58990167

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Shandong Ench Chemical Co.,Ltd

Company type: Producer

Shandong Ench Chemical Co.Ltd is a professional manufacturers and supplier in the world ,the main product include chemical pharmaceuticals and intermediates, food and feed additives, herbal extracts, agrochemicals and fine chemicals etc. It is a privet-owned enterprise and located in Zhangqiu industrial park, We believe that quality is the life of our company. Shandong Ench Chemical Co.,Ltd is supplier for Orcinol. is also served by Shandong Ench Chemical Co.,Ltd. We manufacture our products in strict accordance with ISO9001: 2000 quality management system during the whole en ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-13869131854   Telefax: +86 531-8637666

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OPQ Chemical Co., Ltd

Company type: Producer

OPQ Chemical is a high tech enterprise,located in China Spring city(Jinan).Mainly engages in the development and production of phenolic and quinones,additive agents, dying stuffs, and pesticide intermediates,and also has been involved in other fine chemicals,cosmetic raw materials etc.And actively practices the business philosophy of "MY heart, let you feel more assured". We are seller of . OPQ Chemical Co., Ltd is supplier for Orcinol. OPQ has international advanced production technology and equipment, the company's marketing network ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-17615852982   Telefax:

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Krada CPS Industry S.L

Company type: Analytical Institution

Krada CPS Industry S.L. Is a growing distributor company in Spain. We trade chemical raw materials for factories, laboratories both in Spain and throughout the European Union. will be also provided by us. Krada CPS Industry S.L is supplier for Orcinol. We are happy to process your requests.

Country: Spain   Phone: +34 698992882   Telefax: +34 698992882

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Beckmann-Kenko GmbH

Company type: Internat. trading company

Our company BECKMANN-KENKO GmbH is a joint venture between Beckmann Chemikalien KG in Germany founded in 1977 and Kenko Corporation in Japan founded in 1965. We are a young and ambitious import/export company. Acting independently and on behalf of a selected number of internationally renowned principals, we resource and market speciality chemicals. Beckmann-Kenko GmbH is supplier for Orcinol. We are seller of p-tert-Butylphenol . Located in Bassum, Germany we also have our own office in Shanghai, China and warehouse facilities of 3000 square meters with ...

Country: Germany   Phone: +49 4241 9308-0   Telefax: +49 4241 9308-30

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Lori Industry Co., Ltd

Company type: Producer

Lori industry Co., Ltd was established in 2002 years. Lori Industry Co., Ltd is supplier for Orcinol. It is a large-scale manufacturer integrating R&D, produce and sales. Our products mainly cover fine chemicals, organic intermediates, biological buffers, agricultural fertilizers and other chemicals . Among them, the sales proportion of organic chemicals and agricultural fertilizers is at the forefront of the domestic market. We supply our chemical product N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine . From 2013 to 2022 years, through cooperation with foreign trade companies, customers vis ...

Country:   Phone: +86-13011713125   Telefax: +86-13011713125

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Hangzhou Lingrui Chemical Co., Ltd.

Company type: Producer

Established in 2010, located in Hangzhou Qinglan science park, lingruichem is a technical company mainly focus on the Custom synthesis, manufacturing, sales of chemicals to various industries. 2-Isopropyl-4-methylthiazole is also served by Hangzhou Lingrui Chemical Co., Ltd.. In our R&D centre, we have a staff of skilled and experienced research chemists. Hangzhou Lingrui Chemical Co., Ltd. is supplier for Orcinol. This has enabled us to meet the special requirements of our customers and it has enabled us to provide quality products at competitive prices. Lingrui’s credo is committed to your reliable business par ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-571-88092529   Telefax: +86-571-87334908

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Carbone Scientific Co., Ltd.

Company type: Supplier

Carbone scientific is located at London, UK. We are mainly engaged in the marketing development, R&D, technical support and service. 3-Nitrophenylhydrazine hydrochloride will be also provided by us. Carbone scientific provides fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates, and active pharmaceutical ingredients to the global marketplaces. Carbone Scientific Co., Ltd. is supplier for Orcinol. Our aim is to make those most popular products available to these pharmaceutical and biotech companies, research organizations and university labs worldwide. Our online catalogue has already listed ...

Country: U.K.   Phone: +44 (0)203 769 4441 ext 1   Telefax: +44 (0)203 769 4441 ext 2

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Finetech Industry Limited

Company type: Producer

Finetech Industry Limited is a company in England,which specializing in developing, manufacturing and marketing fine organic compounds and intermediates for the pharmaceutical industry. We are seller of Nimustinenimustin
cand-1042 . Most of our products were exported to the North America, Europe and Oceania. Finetech Industry Limited is supplier for Orcinol. Our factory is in China,we supply Fluorochemicals, Pyrimidines, Pyridines, Amines, Nitriles, Carboxylic Acids or Ester, Phenols or Alcohols, Aldehydes, Piperidines, Piperazines, Pyrazines, Boric Acids, Amino Aci ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-27-8746 5837   Telefax: +86-27-8777 2287

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Xiamen Hisunny Chemical Co., Ltd.

Company type: Leading producer

Hisunny Chemical is a leading manufacturer and supplier of chemicals in China. Xiamen Hisunny Chemical Co., Ltd. is supplier for Orcinol. We develop producing and selling high quality intermediates, Fine chemicals and Specialty Chemicals. We could give you: 1.Best quality in your requirement 2.Competitive price in China market 3.mature Technical support 4.Professional logistic support All we want is win-win business. We are supplier of N-Ethyl-N-chloroethyl-4-amino-2-methyl benzaldehyde . Send yr. inquiries, you will get it!

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-592-3327115   Telefax: +86-592-5823596

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CM Fine Chemicals

Company type: Producer

CM Fine Chemicals, being a privately owned Swiss company, has been manufacturing and providing fine chemicals, intermediates and reagents to all kind of industries and research organizations all over the world. Since 1997 our high quality fine chemicals are used from lab to commercial quantities in many different applications. CM Fine Chemicals is supplier for Orcinol. We supply our chemical product N,N-Diethyl-P-phenylenediamine hydrochloride . We are your innovative, flexible and reliable partner for any hard-to-find molecule! Whether a complex compound or just h ...

Country: Switzerland   Phone: +41 81 740 58 51   Telefax: +41 81 740 58 50

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Skyrun Industrial Co., Ltd.

Company type: Leading producer

Skyrun Industrial Co.Limited, established in 2003, a state-controlled company (By Skyrun Corp. Additionally Benzylideneacetone is supplied by us. & High Hope) in China, specializing in developing, producing and handing raw pharmaceutical material and intermediates. We have expanded a compositive entity from initially only as a small manufacturer. Skyrun Industrial Co., Ltd. is supplier for Orcinol. We have extensive knowledge of domestic and international pharmaceutical markets. Our working range can be start from small amount in research stage to big bulk for industrial produc ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-576-84015261   Telefax: +86-576-84015261

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Xingrui Industry Co., Limited

Company type: Leading producer

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Xingrui Industry CO., LTD. is a professional manufacturing enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales. is also served by Xingrui Industry Co., Limited. The products involved fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates, dye intermediates, cosmetic raw materials and so on. The company is ranked among the outstanding producers in the fine chemical industry. Xingrui Industry Co., Limited is supplier for Orcinol. Xingrui Industry always strive to be the most reliable partner of our customers, and strive to build a customer-trusted, socially respected, world-class fi ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-531-88980365   Telefax: +86-531-88980365

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Chemlyte Solutions

Company type: Bulk chemical supplier

At Chemlyte Solutions, we place long-term relationships and outstanding client experience at the heart of everything we do. Each customer’s dedicated account manager ensures quick project turnaround and smooth experience for every client. Our team has decades of combined experience in the Chinese chemical industry. Chemlyte Solutions is supplier for Orcinol. Diphenyliodonium-2-carboxylate 1-hydrate is also served by Chemlyte Solutions. This enables us to understand the entire supply chain, adapt quickly to market trends, and negotiate the best deals to provide a true end-to-end solution for c ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-571-8506-1365   Telefax:

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Zehao Industry Co., Ltd.

Company type: Analytical Institution

The Shepherd Chemical Company was founded in Norwood, Ohio, in 1916. Additionally is supplied by us. Zehao Industry Co., Ltd. is supplier for Orcinol. We are a fourth-generation company and a custom manufacturer of Inorganic Metal Salts and Organic Metal Compounds to the global marketplace. Our long-standing success is built upon technical expertise, supplier reliability, and customer relationships. Our goal is to supply the marketplace with high quality metal compounds as standard or customized products. Our capabilities are comprised of our man ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-531-81901329   Telefax: +86-531-81901329

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Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.

Company type: International Supplier

Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. now offers over 140,000 specialty biochemicals under our ChemCruz™ brand. Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. is focused on the ongoing development of research reagents. It is our goal to continue to offer the broadest range of reagents in the field. Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. is supplier for Orcinol. We also provide superior, innovative primary antibodies and support products. 2-Chloro-N-cyclohexyl-N-phenylacetamide will be also provided by us.

Country: USA   Phone: +1 800-457-3802   Telefax: +1-831-457-3802

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Leap Chem Co., Ltd

Company type: Bulk and laboratory supplier

LEAPChem, a specialized fine chemicals supplier for research, development and production. LEAPChem provides nearly 50,000 rare and innovative chemical products to support the evolving needs of our customers in research & bulk manufacturing activities. As a highly customer-oriented enterprise, we are committed to providing high-quality customer services and products to our global customers in a cost-effective and efficient manner. We sell 4-Methyl pentyl aminolevulinate hydrochloride as well. Leap Chem Co., Ltd is supplier for Orcinol. Our client list includes many m ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +852-30606658   Telefax:

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~1.2 g/cm3 (Predicted)

Boiling Point:

290 °C

Flash Point:

159 °C

Melting Point:

106-112 °C(lit.)

Safety Information

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Suppliers and manufactures - with identical CAS number as Orcinol

For the following products supplier are listed below:

The following companies are not suppliers of Orcinol . This companies are suppliers for equal products with the same CAS number. CAS: 504-15-4

Supplier of


(CAS: 504-15-4)

BuGuCh & Partners

Company type: Analytical Institution

We, BuGuCh & Partners, are an international acting and innovative company, leading in developing and manufacturing. We operates major facilities in North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim, as well as facilities in China, Japan and Saudi Arabia operated through joint ventures. We maintain independently or are partners of some production sites in Europe, Asia and South America. We supply our chemical product bis-(Butylcyclopentadienyl)difluorohafnium(IV) . Our global network is a strength. Our products range from natural gas, oil and basic chemi ...

Country: Germany   Phone:   Telefax:

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Carbone Scientific Co., Ltd.

Company type: Supplier

Carbone scientific is located at London, UK. We are mainly engaged in the marketing development, R&D, technical support and service. Carbone scientific provides fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates, and active pharmaceutical ingredients to the global marketplaces. Our aim is to make those most popular products available to these pharmaceutical and biotech companies, research organizations and university labs worldwide. We provide 3-Nitrophenylhydrazine hydrochloride as well. Our online catalogue has already listed ...

Country: U.K.   Phone: +44 (0)203 769 4441 ext 1   Telefax: +44 (0)203 769 4441 ext 2

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Hangzhou Dayangchem Co. Ltd.

Company type: Leading producer

Hangzhou DayangChem Co. Ltd is a comprehensive entity which specializes in development, production and trade of pharmaceutical, agrochemical and dyestuff intermediates as well as some special type reagents. Hangzhou Dayangchem Co. Ltd. is a seller of 2,5-Dimethoxycinnamic acid . We have an own factory and share enterprises. We act also as agent of many chemical factories and promote their products to the international market at very competitive price. We take "Credi first, Clients supreme" as our aim. We expect to cooperate with more partners ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-571-88938639   Telefax: +86-571-8893-8652

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Merck Schuchardt OHG

Company type: Analytical Institution

Merck Schuchardt OHG, a 100% subsidiary of Merck KGaA, Germany, has, for the last 150 years, been one of the leading German producers and suppliers of organic intermediates, fine chemicals, reagents and solvents for laboratories, medium-sized and bulk production. We are seller of Propionitrile

Country: Germany   Phone: +49-8102-802 0   Telefax: +49-8102-802 175

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Zehao Industry Co., Ltd.

Company type: Analytical Institution

The Shepherd Chemical Company was founded in Norwood, Ohio, in 1916. We are a fourth-generation company and a custom manufacturer of Inorganic Metal Salts and Organic Metal Compounds to the global marketplace. Our long-standing success is built upon technical expertise, supplier reliability, and customer relationships. Our goal is to supply the marketplace with high quality metal compounds as standard or customized products. Additionally is supplied by us. Our capabilities are comprised of our man ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-531-81901329   Telefax: +86-531-81901329

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Simagchem Corporation

Company type: Bulk chemical producer

Your partner in China for chemicals business. Expertize in supplies and sources of fine, specialty, pharmaceutical chemicals and intermediates. WE offer high quality products and JIT services with instant market intelligence in China, custom synthesis in our 3 production sites, famous principals as Brenntag, Univar,S inopec, Grace, Petrobras, DKSH, Formitex, Evonik, Merck, TCI, Sanofi, Chemo with creditable reputation and business cooperation. Simagchem Corporation also offers Solvent Green 5

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86 592 2680 277   Telefax: +86 592 2680 237

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Hangzhou Meite Industry Co., Ltd (Hangzhou Meite Chemical Co., Ltd)

Company type: Producer

Hangzhou Meite Industry Co., Ltd. is an international high-tech enterprise founded in 1998, specialized in R&D and manufacture on intermediates, medicines, agrochemical, dyestuff, flavor, fragrance, cosmetic, natural extracts series products. We are seller of Rosemary oil . We have an efficient R&D centre, get a strong technical support from Zhejiang University of Technology and Institute of Chemistry, Wuhan Branch, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Our factory Hangzhou Meite Chemical Co.,Ltd. is locat ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86 571 88026825 / 88283817 / 88011063   Telefax: +86 571 88282557

INQUIRY | ORDER » contact details

AK Scientific, Inc.

Company type: Supplier

AK Scientific provides fine chemicals and advanced intermediates to our customers worldwide. Currently, we have over 16.000 in stock, ready to ship products, at our California warehouse and this number is increasing weekly. AK Scientific, Inc. also offers Ticagrelor . All these products are stocked in multiple, convenient, sizes to fit your specific needs. Purchases are shipped on the same day your order is placed (before 4PM, Pacific Time) to ensure on-time delivery. AK Scientific products can be searched by Name ...

Country: USA   Phone: +1 (510) 429-8835   Telefax: +1 (510) 429-8836

INQUIRY | ORDER » contact details

Xiamen Equation Chemical Co.,Ltd

Company type: Bulk chemical producer

Welcome to Equation chemical, your reliable partner in China as an important supplier of bulk specialty chemicals for industry & life science. Xiamen Equation Chemical Co.,Ltd is a seller of Potassium iodide . We are committed to provide experienced high quality product and JIT performance to benefit our customers.

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86 592 6515854   Telefax: +86 592 6515854

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Xingrui Industry Co., Limited

Company type: Leading producer

Xingrui Industry CO., LTD. is a professional manufacturing enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales. The products involved fine chemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates, dye intermediates, cosmetic raw materials and so on. The company is ranked among the outstanding producers in the fine chemical industry. Additionally is supplied by us. Xingrui Industry always strive to be the most reliable partner of our customers, and strive to build a customer-trusted, socially respected, world-class fi ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-531-88980365   Telefax: +86-531-88980365

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Shandong SanYoung Industry Co., Ltd

Company type: Analytical Institution

Shandong SanYoung Industry Co., Ltd is a scientific and technological company specializing in research and development, cooperative production and sales of chemical products. 1,3-Diaminoguanidine hydrochloride will be also provided by us. The company's main products include: photoinitiator; light stabilizer; polymer retardant; ultraviolet absorbent; fine chemical products and pharmaceutical intermediates, we can also customize chemicals for our customers. Our company has a large number of customers with good reputation at home and abroad, ...

Country:   Phone: +86 155-64526813   Telefax: +86 531-56897532

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Supplier of


(CAS: 504-15-4)

BLD Pharmatech Ltd

Company type: Supplier

Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Shanghai, China, BLD Pharmatech Ltd. with more than 600,000 items, scale up manufacture and custom services is a leading manufacturer and supplier of diversified research chemicals in the industry. We provide 2-(2-Aminopropan-2-yl)-N-[(4-fluorophenyl)methyl]-5-hydroxy-1-methyl-6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyrimidine-4-carboxamide as well. Our considerable stock of a wide range of laboratory chemicals, from heterocycles, boron acids, amino acids, metal catalysts to chiral compounds, is ready for worldwide shipping. The ISO certifications and DUNS registration are our testimonie ...

Country: P.R.China   Phone: +86-21-61629022   Telefax: +86-21-50201702

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Ambeed, Inc.

Company type: Analytical Institution

We are serving customers worldwide with 350,000 handpicked compounds. We sell cis-Methyl 3-hydroxycyclobutanecarboxylate as well. New and unique products are constantly added to our catalog. We provide a robust catalog of products including building blocks, advanced intermediates, amino acids and peptides, catalysts and ligands, natural products, nucleotides etc. We provide customers with bulk manufacturing and can source most material.

Country: USA   Phone: +1 630-580-1088   Telefax: +1 630-581-0788

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Supplier of


(CAS: 504-15-4)

BuGuCh & Partners

Company type: Analytical Institution

We, BuGuCh & Partners, are an international acting and innovative company, leading in developing and manufacturing. We operates major facilities in North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim, as well as facilities in China, Japan and Saudi Arabia operated through joint ventures. We maintain independently or are partners of some production sites in Europe, Asia and South America. BuGuCh & Partners is a seller of bis-(Butylcyclopentadienyl)difluorohafnium(IV) . Our global network is a strength. Our products range from natural gas, oil and basic chemi ...

Country: Germany   Phone:   Telefax:

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Richman Chemical Inc.,

Company type: Analytical Institution

For over 17 years, Richman Chemical, Inc. (RCI) has been providing project management, custom manufacturing and sourcing services to the chemical and life sciences industries. Richman Chemical Inc., also offers 2-Nitrobenzaldehyde . RCI has an extensive chemical and pharmaceutical raw material and intermediate product range. Because of its widespread custom/contract services activities, RCI can offer customers access to its extensive network of worldwide suppliers.

Country: USA   Phone: +1-215-628-2946   Telefax: +1-215-628-4262

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Beckmann-Kenko GmbH

Company type: Internat. trading company

Our company BECKMANN-KENKO GmbH is a joint venture between Beckmann Chemikalien KG in Germany founded in 1977 and Kenko Corporation in Japan founded in 1965. We are a young and ambitious import/export company. Acting independently and on behalf of a selected number of internationally renowned principals, we resource and market speciality chemicals. We sell p-tert-Butylphenol as well. Located in Bassum, Germany we also have our own office in Shanghai, China and warehouse facilities of 3000 square meters with ...

Country: Germany   Phone: +49 4241 9308-0   Telefax: +49 4241 9308-30

INQUIRY | ORDER » contact details

Supplier of

5-Methylresorcinol anhydrous

(CAS: 504-15-4)

BuGuCh & Partners

Company type: Analytical Institution

We, BuGuCh & Partners, are an international acting and innovative company, leading in developing and manufacturing. We operates major facilities in North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim, as well as facilities in China, Japan and Saudi Arabia operated through joint ventures. We maintain independently or are partners of some production sites in Europe, Asia and South America. We are seller of bis-(Butylcyclopentadienyl)difluorohafnium(IV) . Our global network is a strength. Our products range from natural gas, oil and basic chemi ...

Country: Germany   Phone:   Telefax:

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Chemos GmbH & Co. KG

Company type: Supplier of chemical products

Chemos is a leading supplier of chemical specialties for your research and production needs. We supply our chemical product Lithium dodecaboride . Everything new starts small and needs specific support during scale up and production. With over 25 years of experience in the fine chemical market Chemos is supporting research institutions and chemical companies in Europe and America. Chemos is a sourcing and distribution company with a grown and strong network of custom manufacturing companies and chemical producers from around the ...

Country: Germany   Phone: +49-871-966346-0   Telefax: +49-871-966346-13

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