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Your Position: Home - Chemicals - What is the use of 103 63 9 CAS?

What is the use of 103 63 9 CAS?

### Understanding The Use of 103 63 9 CAS.

CAS number 103 63 9 is specifically assigned to the chemical compound sodium chloride, which is more commonly known as table salt. This unique identification number is crucial for tracking and identifying different substances in various fields, ranging from chemistry to pharmaceuticals. .

#### Step 1: Identification.

What is the use of 103 63 9 CAS?

The first use of a CAS number like 103 63 9 is to uniquely identify a specific chemical compound. This allows researchers, scientists, and regulators to easily access information about the substance, including its properties, hazards, and potential uses.

#### Step 2: Safety Data.

Having a CAS number assigned to a compound like sodium chloride ensures that safety data sheets can be created and accessed easily. This information is vital for handling, storing, and transporting chemicals safely to prevent accidents and protect human health.

#### Step 3: Regulatory Compliance.

In many countries, including the United States, having a CAS number is a regulatory requirement for certain chemicals. This helps authorities track the use and disposal of substances like sodium chloride to ensure they are being handled safely and in compliance with regulations.

#### Step 4: Research and Development.

Researchers and scientists rely on CAS numbers like 103 63 9 to accurately reference chemical compounds in their studies and experiments. This streamlined system saves time and prevents confusion by providing a standardized way to identify substances.

#### Step 5: Database Access.

CAS numbers are also essential for cataloging and organizing chemical information in databases. This allows users to quickly search for data on specific compounds like sodium chloride and access information such as chemical structure, properties, and uses.

In conclusion, the use of CAS number 103 63 9 for sodium chloride is multi-faceted and plays a crucial role in ensuring safety, compliance, and efficiency in the handling and study of chemical compounds. Whether in a laboratory setting or a regulatory environment, having a unique identification number like this is essential for accurate and reliable information.

For more information, please visit cas 109555 87 5, cas 109555 87 5, cas 109555 87 5.





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