Should You Sterilize Your Baby's Bottles?
Should You Sterilize Your Baby's Bottles?
In the old days when water supplies were not reliably clean, it made sense to sterilize baby bottles. But now, sterilizing bottles, nipples, and water is mostly unnecessary.
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Unless your water supply is suspected to harbor contaminated bacteria, it is as safe for your baby as it is for you. There is no reason to sterilize what is already safe.
Sterilizing the bottles and nipples is also unwarranted. Thorough cleaning with soap and water gets rid of almost all germs. And once on the bottle, the nipple begins to pick up all the germs in the environment, so a "sterile" nipple and bottle is just a pipe dream , anyway.
If you drink well water, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends checking the nitrite level every 3 months in the water.
When and How Should I Sterilize Baby Bottles?
Sterilizing baby bottles isn't as fun as snuggling your sweetie or singing her favorite lullabies. But it's an extra layer of protection that can help protect your brand new bundle from getting sick. Here's when and how you should do it, plus when it's okay to stop.
When should you sterilize baby bottles and when should you sanitize or clean bottles?
First, let's get clear on the difference between sterilizing and sanitizing or plain old cleaning. Trusted SourceNational Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Medline PlusCleaning, Disinfecting, and SanitizingSee All Sources [1]
The terms "sterilizing" and "sanitizing" are sometimes used interchangeably, even by a few of the experts, but they're very different.
Sterilizing is the process of removing virtually all harmful germs and bacteria on an object's surface. That goes above and beyond simply cleaning something with soap and water, which gets rid of dirt and some (but not all) germs.
Sterilizing is also more intense and thorough than sanitizing, which itself is a high-powered cleaning that can be done in the dishwasher and via other means. Sanitizing gets rid of some germs and 99.9 percent of food soil bacteria, but isn't as fool-proof as sterilizing is.
You cannot sterilize bottles or anything else in the dishwasher, contrary to what some believe.
You should clean bottles, nipples and other feeding items after every use and sanitize them at least once daily if your baby is under 3 months old, was born prematurely, or has a weakened immune system because of an illness or medical treatment (like HIV, cancer or chemotherapy for cancer), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
In some instances, your pediatrician may recommend sanitizing bottles more often, in between each feeding.
You should sterilize bottles daily and potentially after every use for infants under 3 months old, preemies and babies with weakened immune systems because they are more susceptible to infection.
Daily sterilizing (at least for the first few months) helps reduce their chances of getting sick. Your doctor can tell you how long you should keep sterilizing bottles after each feeding or on a daily basis.
Many pediatricians also suggest sterilizing bottles before using them for the first time for all babies, though the practice isn't specifically recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
How to sterilize baby bottles
Sterilizing bottles might sound complicated. (How can I get rid of ALL the germs?!) But it's actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it. There are a few different ways you can sterilize baby bottles at home:
With boiling water
1. Fully separate all the bottle parts. Take the cap off the bottle and remove the nipple, along with any rings or valves.
2. Put all the parts in a pot and cover completely with water.
3. Bring the pot to a boil. Boil for five minutes.
4. Use clean tongs to remove the parts from the pot.
5. Place the parts on a clean, unused paper towel or dish towel and let the parts air-dry. Don't rub or pat the parts dry, since germs from your towel could transfer to the bottle parts.
In the microwave with steam
1. Separate all the bottle parts. Take the cap off the top of the bottle and remove the nipple, along with any rings or valves.
2. Place the parts in a microwave steam sterilizer for baby bottles.
3. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for sanitizing, cooling and drying the parts.
With bleach
Bleach sterilizing is recommended if you aren't able to use the boiling water or microwave bottle sterilizer methods.
1. In a wash basin that's been sanitized (preferably in the dishwasher), combine 2 teaspoons unscented bleach with 1 gallon (16 cups) water.
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2. Fully separate the bottle parts. Take the cap off the bottle and remove the nipple plus any rings or valves.
3. Place the parts in the basin, making sure everything is fully submerged. Squeeze the water-bleach solution through the nipple holes.
4. Let the parts soak for two minutes.
5. Take the bottle parts out of the solution with clean tongs and place them on a clean, unused paper or kitchen towel to dry. Do not rinse the parts with water; any bleach that's left on the bottle will break down and won't hurt your baby.
Do you need a bottle sterilizer?
Bottle sterilizers are dedicated appliances that do the work of sterilizing for you, either with steam or ultraviolet (UV) light. Some sanitizers sit on the countertop while others are designed to be placed in the microwave.
Some parents find sterilizers convenient, but they're not 100 percent necessary. Sterilizing in boiling water or with bleach are just as effective.
When should you stop sterilizing baby bottles?
Daily sterilizing generally isn't needed for healthy babies who are 3 months and older. By that age, your baby's immune system has gotten stronger, making her less susceptible to infection. Just be sure to continue to clean or sanitize the bottles thoroughly after each use.
If your baby was born prematurely or she has a weakened immune system, talk with your pediatrician about when you may be able to stop sterilizing your baby's bottles.
How to clean and sanitize baby bottles, pacifiers and other infant feeding items
Just like the cups, plates and utensils you use, you should clean and/or sanitize your baby's bottles, pacifiers and other feeding items Trusted SourceCenters for Disease Control and PreventionHow to Clean, Sanitize, and Store Infant Feeding ItemsSee All Sources [2] after each use. Soap and water and putting the items in the dishwasher both do the trick when it comes to cleaning, and running them through the dishwasher on the sanitizing cycle can sanitize them.
Cleaning by hand
1. Wash your hands with soap and water, lathering and scrubbing for 20 seconds, then rinse with water.
2. Fully separate the various parts of the baby bottle as previously outlined, taking the cap off and nipple out, along with other rings or valves.
3. Rinse the items under running water (warm and cold water are both fine).
4. Place the disassembled bottle and other parts in a clean wash basin or container reserved just for your baby's feeding items. Fill the basin with hot water and dish (or regular) soap. (Don't wash directly in the sink, since germs in the sink could contaminate the bottles and other baby utensils.)
5. Use a clean brush reserved just for your baby's feeding gear to scrub each item. Squeeze water through the nipple holes to make sure they're clean.
6. Rinse the items under running water.
7. Place the items on a clean, unused paper or kitchen towel to air dry. Don't rub or pat the parts dry, since germs from your dish towel could transfer to the bottle parts.
8. Wash the basin and brush in the dishwasher (or by hand with soap and water) after every few uses.
Sanitizing in the dishwasher
1. Fully separate all the bottle parts.
2. Rinse the items under running water (warm and cold water are both fine).
3. Place the items in the dishwasher. (Put them in a closed-top basket or mesh laundry bag to prevent them from falling into the dishwasher filter.) Run the dishwasher using hot water and the sanitizing setting. You can also choose "heated drying."
4. Wash your hands with soap and water, then remove the parts from the dishwasher. Place any items that aren't fully dry on a clean, unused paper or kitchen towel. Let air-dry completely (dont rub or pat dry with a dish towel as it may spread germs).
How often should I clean and sanitize baby bottles?
You should clean bottles and pacifiers after every use for babies under 3 months, babies born prematurely and babies with weakened immune systems, and sanitize (or deep-clean) bottles, other feeding items and pacifiers for newborns and other particularly susceptible babies at least once a day.
Ask your pediatrician if they recommend sanitizing more frequently, such as after every feeding.
Safety tips to keep in mind when sterilizing or sanitizing baby bottles
Keep this advice in mind to make sure you get each and every part as clean as can be.
Before sterilizing or sanitizing, make sure any items you're using (like wash basins or bottle brushes) have been sanitized. You can clean brushes and small wash basins in a dishwasher (if dishwasher-safe and the right size), or wash them by hand with soap and warm water. They can be sterilized by boiling, steaming or soaking them in bleach the way you can do with baby bottles as described above.
Disassemble parts as much as possible before sterilizing and sanitizing. If you're sanitizing a baby straw cup, for instance, remove the handles, lid, sipping mechanism, straw and valve to make sure each part gets a thorough clean.
Check the manufacturer's instructions before placing parts in the dishwasher. Some may fare better on the top rack, while others may be able to go on the bottom rack.
Make sure parts are totally dry before reassembling bottles, cups or other items and putting them away. Reassembling still-wet items can encourage mold growth.
Sterilizing and sanitizing your baby's bottles calls for a few extra steps, but in some cases, it's a must to protect your little one's health. So find a method that works for you and remember that it won't be long before this stage is behind you.
Want more information on commercial glass bottle sterilizer? Feel free to contact us.
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