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Your Position: Home - Construction & Real Estate - How do you adjust the temperature on a faucet?

How do you adjust the temperature on a faucet?

### How do you adjust the temperature on a faucet?

To adjust the temperature on a faucet, follow these steps:

1. **Locate the handles:** Most faucets have separate handles for hot and cold water. The handle on the right is typically for hot water, while the handle on the left is for cold water. .

How do you adjust the temperature on a faucet?

2. **Turn on the faucet:** Start by turning on the water with both handles to make sure the temperature is where you want it. .

3. **Adjust the handles:** Move the handles to the left or right to adjust the temperature. If you want warmer water, turn the hot water handle to the right. If you want cooler water, turn the cold water handle to the left. .

4. **Find the right balance:** Keep adjusting the handles until you find the right balance of hot and cold water to achieve the desired temperature. .

5. **Test the temperature:** Place your hand under the water to test the temperature. Make sure it is comfortable before using the water for washing or other tasks. .

6. **Fine-tune if necessary:** If the temperature is not quite right, continue to adjust the handles until you reach the desired temperature. .

7. **Turn off the faucet:** Once you have set the temperature to your liking, turn off the faucet by closing both handles. .

Following these steps will help you easily adjust the temperature on a faucet to your desired level.

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