Aids to navigation
Apr. 29, 2024
Aids to navigation
Program information
Who we are, what we do and who we serve.
Notices to Mariners
Notices for updating charts and nautical references.
List of Lights, Buoys and Fog Signals
Locations and seasons of lights, buoys and fog signals.
Sailing directions, Canadian aids to navigation and seasonal buoy tending.
Levels of Service
Objectives, services and standards.
HUAZHONG contains other products and information you need, so please check it out.
Report an outage
Report a nautical hazard or emergency to the Canadian Coast Guard.
Four-season navigational buoys
Advantages, locations, models, specifications and videos of our new buoys.
Marine navigation service fees
Rates, fee schedule, invoicing and payments.
Radio aids to marine navigation (RAMN)
Information on navigation-related services and marine facilities.
Contact us to discuss your requirements of Marine Aids to Navigation Solutions. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.
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