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Navigating China Wholesale

Author: Polly

May. 20, 2024

Navigating China Wholesale

Although manufacturing costs in China have risen in recent years, the country remains the go-to destination for wholesale sourcing due to an important reason: faster and more efficient supply chains that remain unrivalled elsewhere. In today’s fiercely competitive and dynamic ecommerce world, where trends vanish quickly and copycats thrive, rapid time-to-market results are a critical competitive advantage.

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What is your China wholesale strategy?

Wholesale, a catch-all term for sourcing large quantities of goods at a low price, can mean different things to different foreign importers. Do you want to contract with a Chinese factory? Are you looking to buy from a wholesale market or supplier in China? Depending on your sourcing strategy, you can consider the following options.

Where to find Chinese suppliers

At the Canton Fair

China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) is one of the biggest trade fairs in the world. It is held in Guangzhou twice a year (end of May and beginning of November) - in three phases - covering electronics, consumer goods, gifts, textiles, garments, shoes and office supplies.

The fair is massive, involving participation from suppliers and manufacturers throughout Asia. You will be one among potentially thousands of importers from the United States and Europe attending the Canton Fair.

Many of the Chinese suppliers at the trade show have been showcasing their business for many years, and are familiar working with foreign clients. You’re very likely to find someone who trades or can make the product you will retail, although sourcing directly from a manufacturer is often more reliable and cost-effective. Companies bring samples, so you can review product quality and short-list potential manufacturing partners. The full supplier list can be accessed at the Canton Fair website.

Suppliers may also speak limited English, so interactions may seem manageable but are often problematic. To avoid this you can hire the services of a translator at the trade show for a reasonable fee and you will quickly appreciate the advantages of communicating with a translator.

A China visa isn’t expensive but processing can take up to three weeks. Book your flight to Guangzhou a few weeks in advance of your trip as last-minute flight costs can put a big dent in your budget. A cheaper option is to fly to Hong Kong and take a high-speed train to Guangzhou (travel time of approx. 50 minutes).  

Canton Fair is free to attend and the cost of living in China is far cheaper than any country in the west. The ballpark figure for a one-week stay in Beijing, Guangzhou or Shanghai is $1,000.

On Alibaba

Alibaba outshines other supplier directories in the sheer number of wholesalers, dropshippers and manufacturers. The website is popular among importers looking to lower their sourcing costs and amplify margins. Alibaba is on good terms with the Chinese government and a safe platform to find products to sell online – as long as you know how to spot the scammers and middlemen.

Specifically, if you need to have your product made in a certain way or don’t want to sell a widely available commodity that many are selling anyway, then you will want to watch out for trading companies posing as manufacturers. You will also pay more when you wholesale as the company will purchase from a factory and add a mark-up to large orders that’s usually more than what you can negotiate directly with the factory. The only advantage is that you can make smaller purchases in contrast to the minimum order quantities (MOQs) set by Chinese manufacturers.

How to spot a middleman

     - They usually advertise many categories of products. Manufacturers usually specialize in bulk-producing specific products, parts or components.

     - They may have a well-designed website in English and market excessively. Chinese manufacturers generally have basic websites with poor English translation. They’re more about face-to-face marketing and relationship-building than digital marketing.

     - The address they provide may be a building in the city center. Factories are generally located in industrial parks outside cities. So, if Google Maps points you to the center of Shanghai rather than around it, you may want to make more inquiries. 

Of course, middlemen can cover their base and give you all the right answers. They may send pictures of the factory (not theirs), their location may check out, and you may also find a couple of positive customer testimonials. Still, to be really, really sure, it is best to tell the company that you’d like to audit their factory. If they act evasively, your suspicions will seem plausible. On the other hand, if you’re okay buying from a long-term wholesaler and manage to get a price that supports your margins, you should go for it.

Other supplier directories: Global Sources, Made in China, DHGate and Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC).

At the Yiwu market

Zhejiang’s Yiwu Market is home to 40,000 shops, and open all year round. It is an excellent place to purchase bags, watches, shoes, textiles and accessories at competitive prices. Yiwu wholesalers work with factories in Zhejiang and Jiangsu. You can make purchases then and there, and have your bulk order shipped to your location.

If the goods you want aren’t ready for sale, specify your quality requirements so that your supplier can place the order with the right factory. Be wary of fake products and knock-offs at the market. You could hire a Yiwu agent to get in touch with wholesalers and outsource all aspects of procurement. Note that the agent only offers administrative assistance, and won’t audit factories or perform pre-shipment quality inspection.

Working with a sourcing agent can be a huge benefit. A good one will manage everything you need on the supply side.

Through a sourcing agent

A sourcing agent is technically a middleman but not in the way you think. Their role is clearly defined and they don’t have to pretend to be someone they’re not. A China sourcing agent is a company that helps you find a Chinese supplier and takes care of most or all aspects of sourcing from the world’s factory.

The sourcing agent will find suppliers, get you a quote, conduct a factory audit and send you a sample. The sourcing agent will also do in-process inspections, ensuring that improvements stipulated during sampling are implemented. A representative will often be stationed at the factory to review your order at all stages of production.

The sourcing agent will arrange freight forwarding, and monitor customs clearance and delivery to your location. A comprehensive service such as this unburdens you from:

     - Visiting China and conducting an audit yourself

     - Overcoming the language barrier and making yourself clear the first (or second) time

     - Taking care of in-process quality monitoring and pre-shipment inspection

     - Researching and negotiating a good rate with a freight forwarder

Sourcing agents assist with the vital aspects of China sourcing and save you time and effort on associated administrative tasks. A traditional export agent is based in the country where the product is made, while an import agent is located in the buyer’s country and represents their interests. In an ideal situation, the agent will have a presence in the manufacturing hub, and offices in importers’ countries.

Negotiating contracts in China

It’s only recently that corporate and commercial laws have begun developing rapidly in China. Sourcing from China isn’t straightforward: agreeing on price and terms will require considerable back and forth. Given these two factors, you’re advised to create a draft contract – an agreement that isn’t finalized – adapted to Chinese laws.

Anyone who has imported extensively from China will tell you that the main goal of the manufacturing contract is to avoid friction and promote buyer-seller harmony. Chinese business culture is based on strong interpersonal relations and a contract is simply a tool to regulate relationships between parties. It involves setting expectations with utmost clarity, stipulating obligation and sanctions, and not taking legal action or arbitration off the table.

Simple language, a version in English and simplified Mandarin Chinese: Chinese suppliers will indicate that they understand you even if they don’t. This mindset is ingrained in their culture as appeasement, and also avoidance - to not ‘lose face’. The draft contract should, therefore, state requirements and terms plainly, and set realistic expectations for both parties.

Explicitly express obligations and deterrents: If you have a contract, you’re already doing better than sellers who haven’t drawn up contracts. Clearly specify the manufacturer’s obligations and the sanctions against them in response to a breach of contract. For example, if dimensions of finished products don’t fall within the acceptable range, the supplier will be obligated to send you a new batch at no cost or apply discounts on all remaining orders.

Enforce the contract with the possibility of legal action: Chinese businesses are used to authoritarianism, and both respect and fear the law. This may not necessarily translate into their dealing with foreign companies. To ensure that your manufacturer honors the contract, it may be necessary to include a threat of legal action or arbitration in retaliation for non-compliance.

Given the expensive and time-consuming nature of a lawsuit, it should always be the last resort. Don’t overlook that there’s also a lot at stake as far as your business is concerned.  As much as possible, you should try to resolve product quality and delivery issues with your supplier. If the supplier has acted egregiously, you can pursue arbitration as a dispute resolution mechanism in China or internationally.

Most foreign companies choose arbitration outside China as it may be more reliable than one within China. Arbitral awards reached in most countries are enforceable in China under the New York Convention.

The most important clauses to Include in your contract

Clauses define the rights and obligations each party has under the contract. Key clauses that should be a part of your contract include:

1. Intellectual property rights

It must be made clear that any patents, trademarks and designs are your property, and that the manufacturer cannot register these rights in China or other countries. Registering your patent, trademark or design in your home country does not provide protection in China. Seek legal advice about registering your IP in China. A local, international or Chinese law firm with expertise in Chinese law and performing similar legal law should be able to guide you correctly.

2.  Confidentiality

A clause around the supplier’s responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your commercial and technical information avoids legal and ethical hassles. Barring manufacturers from disclosing sensitive information is even more important for OEM and other complex contracts.

3. Quality control

Include a clause specifying all the breaches and incidents that may affect product quality, as well as terms afforded to you (and required of the seller) to conduct quality control. This may include access to the production site on short-notice or without notice; random testing of a product from each batch prior to shipping; and in-process inspections, including allowing the buyer’s representative (such as a China sourcing agent) to be on site to assist with quality control.

4. Subcontracting

Your manufacturer may receive proposals from several foreign companies for manufacturing and distributing goods in China. They may subcontract some of these activities to another factory over which they do not have any oversight. A clause forbidding the manufacturer from subcontracting their obligations to third-parties is necessary.

5. Specifications, price and deliveries

Needless to say, your contract should set out unambiguously details regarding your product specifications (dimensions, materials, finish, colors, labelling etc.). Settle on prices that will be effective throughout the term of the contract or during some duration of the contract, with a maximum limit on periodic price increases.

The port where your products will be delivered, and payment period (ex: 30% prepayment, net 30 terms, the date on which payment will begin, and so on) are other pragmatic clauses that your contract should not miss out.

Navigate less, get your products out faster

Sourcing from China is complex and missteps can cost you dearly. If you have time to scour the country’s manufacturing landscape and the willingness to educate yourself on Chinese business culture and relationship-building, you can make savvy decisions and outshine the competition. On the other hand, if you wish to focus your energy on running other aspects of your business and want to entrust sourcing to a third-party, a sourcing agent can be a valuable partner.

Sourcing Allies is a team of expert China sourcing agents that has helped western customers manufacture and source products from low-cost regions since 2006.

For more on China sourcing visit our website or write to us at

The Complete Guide to Sourcing in China

There are many benefits of sourcing your products in China. However, it may take time to find the right suppliers, negotiate, and secure a good deal.

Most suppliers often face many issues when finding a supplier or after going into business with one, the product delivered did not match the specifications and was of poor quality.

It takes a lot of experience to understand the Chinese market and how to deal with suppliers which is why you need all the help you can get.

This article will outline some of the best practices, tips, and everything you need to know to help you source products in China effectively.

What is China sourcing?

Sourcing is when you look for a supplier to help deliver you the best quality of goods or services for your business.

Similarly, Chinese sourcing is when you find quality goods and services with the help of local suppliers in China. Depending on the size of your business, importing goods from China may require many suppliers with different experiences for your industry.

For example, if you're a small business owner, you may require a few Chinese suppliers, whereas large enterprises may require a sourcing company in China.

Why should you source products in China?

China is one of the biggest countries that trade globally with supply chains that can serve businesses of all sizes. They can produce, maintain, and distribute products on a large scale.

For this reason, sourcing products in China would already be a good idea. But there's more.

Here are other reasons why you should consider sourcing in China:

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  • Suppliers options: There are dozens of suppliers you can choose from in China. So depending on the size of your business, you can choose the suppliers that fit within your budget.
  • High-quality products with affordable prices: Given several options of suppliers available on the market, you can look for those that offer affordable prices with products that are of high quality.
  • Low labor costs: If you seek skilled laborers at low and reasonable rates, China is definitely the place to consider. As a country with a high population, one of the components that affect how much a product sells is the cost of labor.

A step-by-step guide to Sourcing in China

If you're looking to source products from China, you might find it challenging. The process is often time-consuming and complex, but it doesn't have to be.

Let's take a look at a step-by-step guide to sourcing in China that can help you navigate the complexities and streamline the process.

1. Spend Time Looking for a Supplier

If this is your first time sourcing in China, your first option might just be to do a quick google search.

There are many websites where you can get connected with suppliers such as Alibaba and Made in China.

However, it is not easy to distinguish between a reseller and a manufacturer online, so you need to choose carefully.

Websites like Alibaba mentioned earlier can help shortlist manufacturers during your search. These platforms have a feature where they rate different suppliers and manufacturers across China.

It would be best to keep in mind that these ratings might not be reliable as any supplier that pays for the Alibaba premium membership can get a gold supplier rating.

So, you need to take time with your search and conduct additional checks to ensure you have found the perfect supplier.

🕵️ Pro Tip: It is better to choose a manufacturer when you supply products with technical requirements as you can source directly from them.

2. Hire a Sourcing Agent

If you are sourcing in China for the first time and are willing to spend some money, hiring a sourcing agent might be a convenient option for you, especially if you are looking to acquire products with technical specifications.

Again, this is a convenient option if you want to stay wherever you are and not travel to China to conduct factory and quality inspections.

Your sourcing agent will take care of all of that.

Other benefits include having an experienced agent who can speak the language and negotiate with suppliers on your behalf.

Companies such as Lazpanda have a strong reputation for sourcing products for businesses, saving them time and money, and making the entire process extremely smooth.

Lastly, when you use a sourcing agent, you are far less likely to get scammed or be a victim of fraud.

3. Conduct Supplier Verification Checks

After making a list of suppliers based on their experience, you will need to verify this information.

Things to verify include whether the suppliers are a factory or just a middleman and whether they have had the previous technical expertise and the ability to produce what you are looking for.

You can verify this information by examining the suppliers' VAT invoices, audited accounts, or the factory's registration records.

You can call the supplier and ask for their registration number and business license number.

While this is not always the case, it is often a red flag if your supplier does not have a landline number and only operates using a mobile number.

Suppose your supplier fails to provide a business license or a company registration number.

In that case, you should avoid doing business with them.

All registration numbers can be verified by the local administrative government or the local Bureau of Industry Commerce.

Lastly, it would be best to ask for references from the supplier's previous clients to verify their history and reliability.

4. Find a Balance Between Price & Quality

The biggest benefit of sourcing in China is that your cost is significantly reduced due to low manufacturing and labor costs.

When negotiating the price with your supplier, you should remember that all suppliers have a general minimum cost to manufacture the product.

Here is where you need to research the costs of the product and the market price to get a good idea of what a reasonable price is.

With this information, you can tell that when you are offered a price below the market price, the quality of the product may not be the best.

Going below the minimum market price or the product's cost price should be a red flag as the supplier is compensating for something missing that you might not have realized as yet.

To protect yourself from dealing with such consequences, you should avoid working with suppliers that offer you a price that is way too low.

5. Buy Directly From Suppliers

Eliminating the middleman and buying directly from the supplier gives you more control of the entire manufacturing process.

Additionally, you also avoid paying extra fees or commissions to the agent or middleman.

If you have the time and experience to carry out your own search, effectively communicate with suppliers, and oversee the manufacturing process, this is something you should consider as it can significantly lower your costs.

Moreover, communicating and buying directly from suppliers avoids the risk of miscommunications and delays in sending money to China as you no longer have to rely on them.

6. Effectively Communicate with Your Suppliers

The major challenge businesses face when sourcing in China is the lack of clear communication due to the language barrier and cultural differences.

Therefore, most of the issues in dealing with suppliers come from misunderstandings and miscommunication.

It may be worth hiring a translator as miscommunication can cause huge delays in delivery and production times, negatively impacting your business and its profit margins.

All technical details such as product specifications, technical requirements, and packaging guidelines should not be arranged orally and should be put in writing in both languages.

You should also make sure to discuss the progress of the work so all issues can be dealt with immediately and ensure that there is a good flow of communication.

7. Conduct Quality Control Inspections

Conducting regular quality inspections is crucial to ensuring that your product is made correctly and that its quality is not compromised.

Having a regular check on the manufacturing process ensures that things are not left to the last minute and that any issues that turn up are dealt with immediately as it's easier to fix problems during the manufacturing process than after the final product has been made.

Tips to consider when sourcing in China

Now that you know the steps you need to take when sourcing in China, it's important to understand some of the important factors, which will be beneficial to you in your journey.

Let's dive deeper into each tip.

Always Negotiate with Suppliers

After you have spent your time shortlisting and finding a supplier, you have to start negotiating. The goal is to create a situation where both parties benefit.

Before you negotiate, make sure you have all the data and information to present your case. This gives you strong reasons to refute your supplier's claim and that you're aware of the situation.

Other important tips you should consider are:

  • Be confident when making a deal, so the supplier also has confidence in you and your business
  • Don't be afraid to say "no" to your supplier, if a deal is not right
  • Always remember that there are better suppliers that meet your requirements

Make Sure to Order Samples

It is always a good idea to order samples before committing to one supplier and ordering in bulk. You don't want to make a huge commitment and waste money without testing the end product.

When you receive your first order of samples, you should:

  • Inspect a few units (to ensure the consistent quality level of products)
  • Look out for any defects, damages, or any poor-quality components used.

If you are not satisfied, you can ask for a second round of samples with the necessary changes made or simply opt for another supplier.

Other factors to consider when ordering your first round of staples are the location of the factory, the payment methods available, and the time it takes to deliver.

Build a Professional Relationship with Your Supplier

Whether you are ordering online or physically going to China to meet your supplier, you should always build a professional relationship with them.

There are many benefits of having an ongoing relationship with your supplier as they may give you discounts and better deals.

Additionally, suppose you are looking for another supplier to manufacture a different product.

In that case, they can introduce you to some reliable ones using their network.

📱Recommendation: If you are sourcing online, make sure to use applications available in China, such as WeChat, QQ, and Momo to communicate with your supplier.

Final words

It is important to keep these tips in mind when sourcing in China, especially if it is your first time.

As a beginner, you do not want to be scammed or taken advantage of, as it can severely impact your business.

Taking your time throughout the process and not rushing things is the best option as you can carefully consider all factors and make an informed decision regarding who and where to get your supply.





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