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Influence of Crimped Steel Fibre on Properties of Concrete ...

Author: Evelyn

Apr. 29, 2024

Influence of Crimped Steel Fibre on Properties of Concrete ...

The research programme was divided into two stages. The first stage covered the testing of the geometrical and mechanical properties of the waste and natural aggregates. The second stage covered property testing of concretes made on the basis of the waste and natural aggregates that were tested during the first stage. Analysis of the possible replacement of natural aggregates by waste ceramic aggregates was subsequently conducted. Specific mixtures of both waste ceramic and natural aggregates were proposed for concrete production. The obtained four mixes were subsequently modified by the addition of steel fibres, which were added in volumes ranging from 0.5% to 1.5% ( V f ). Altogether, 16 mixes of concrete were cast in order to test the properties of the concretes in a hardened state.

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A growing research effort exists globally to successfully harness different ceramic wastes in the construction industry [ 1 3 ], resulting in some successful applications of different types of waste ceramics as partial full substitutes of fine and coarse natural aggregates [ 4 6 ]. The type of waste ceramic most often considered for harnessing as a waste aggregate is red (porous, iron oxide-rich) ceramic [ 4 7 ], with multiple types of nonstructural concrete elements characterised by less demanding strength characteristics being cast using this kind of waste aggregate [ 8 ]. In order to utilise waste ceramic aggregates for the production of structural concrete, a new approach to composition is needed. Different waste ceramic aggregates could be blended together (e.g., red waste ceramic aggregate and white (dense, kaolin-based) waste ceramic aggregate) to achieve a new level of quality in sustainable concrete production, thereby enabling the shaping of aggregate properties to utilise their advantages and harness synergy. Red ceramic is characterised by limited compressive strength due to its porosity (usually between 10 and 15 MPa), but has the advantage of using an internal curing process [ 7 ]. White ceramic is characterised by “no porosity” and a much higher compressive strength red ceramic. This research was conducted to prove the proposed novel concept of using waste ceramic aggregates, in which red ceramic obtained from brick production waste and white ceramic obtained from local pottery factory production waste were used as waste aggregates. Both ceramics were processed using the same machinery and grinding procedure to achieve waste aggregates. As a reference, the properties of natural post-glacial aggregates commonly available in countries located along the southern shoreline of the Baltic Sea [ 9 ] were chosen. Utilisation of a mixture design was enabled using three aggregates, where the sum of the volume of all three ingredients was always equal to 100%. The mixture design allowed the visualisation of results in the form of ternary contour plots, which are commonly used in technology of binders [ 10 ] and concrete [ 11 ].

Crimped, copper-coated steel fibres were chosen as fibre reinforcement (see Figure 6 ). This kind of steel fibre is one of the most popular in civil engineering [ 17 18 ], and was successfully used to reinforce concretes solely based on red ceramic waste [ 19 ]. The fibres proved to be compatible with such concretes in terms of properties of both fresh mixes and hardened composites. The geometric and mechanical properties of the used crimped steel fibres are summarised in Table 2

Portland Cement CEM I 42.5 N-NA compliant with the EN 197-1:2000 standard was used as a binder for concrete mix creation. Tap water meeting the requirements of the EN 1008:2002 standard and high-performance, commercially available superplasticiser were added during the last stage of the mix preparation. Based on previous experience with the aggregates in question [ 16 ], four different aggregate compositions were created (see experimental design). Cast concrete mixes were characterised by w/c = 0.5 and an aggregate/cement ratio of 3.0. These characteristics mirrored the requirements for cement composite mixes used for tests of cement compressive strength, according to EN 196-1 standard.

The aggregates were thoroughly tested according to the European standards EN 933-1, EN 1097-1,-3,-6, and EN 1367-1. Properties such as density, absorbability, freezing–thawing resistance, and abrasion resistance were of special interest. The Los Angeles abrasion test was utilised as the most common test method to indicate aggregate toughness and abrasion characteristics. Granulometric and other tested properties of the aggregates are presented in Table 1

All three aggregates were sieved into separate fractions. The fractions were composed to fulfil the limits of the grading characteristics of fine aggregate used for concrete and cement testing, as described in European (EN 196-1:2016) and American (ASTM C305) standards. The achieved grading of all three aggregates was very similar (see Table 1 ). All three composed aggregates were characterised by a median diameter 15 ] within the range from 3.33 to 3.67 mm.

The natural aggregate of post-glacial origin used as a raw material for the creation of the third kind of aggregate used in this research is shown in Figure 5 . This aggregate was thoroughly described in numerous previous publications [ 9 14 ].

Sourced red waste ceramic is presented in Figure 3 . It mainly comprised hollow ceramic wall blocks either crushed during production or rejected during final quality control. Aggregate particle fractions and their geometric characteristics are shown in Figure 4 . This aggregate was thoroughly described in previous publications [ 12 ].

The aggregates were specially prepared for the research programme. Both raw ceramic wastes were ground into particle fractions from 0 to 16 mm. White ceramic waste in a form of crushed pottery rejected during production was used for waste aggregate preparation, as seen in Figure 1 . The aggregate particle fractions and particle geometry achieved from this process are shown in Figure 2 . The particles were characterised by sharp edges with some rough and smooth surfaces. The shape of particles was also very different from the shape of the sub-rounded grains of the natural aggregate.

All specimens were tested after 28 days of curing (first day in a plastic mould covered by a polyethylene sheet, then 27 days in a water tank) in a temperature of 20 °C ± 0.5 °C. After curing, specimens were measured, weighed, and dried to avoid problems during the ultrasound velocity test [ 25 ]. The calculated density was a general quality test of the prepared specimens, with the value of density also useful for the ultrasound propagation velocity test and for computing the dynamic modulus of elasticity value. The shear strength test was performed on half of the beams that remained after the flexural test. Concrete mixes were modified by adding steel fibres to proportions of 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%. The achieved results were subsequently compared with results obtained by other researchers working on steel fibre-reinforced concrete. Altogether, 16 concrete mixes were cast in order to test the properties of steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) in the hardened state.

The object of the experiment was considered to be a complex composite material. The internal structure of the material was unavailable (for unknown reasons) to observers, with only the “input” and “output” parameters known to observers [ 22 23 ]. All achieved experimental results were statistically processed. The Smirnov–Grubbs criterion was used to assess gross error of the values. The sequence of specific test realisations was decided using a digital random number generator to guarantee objectivity. All calculations associated with the execution of the research and graphic interpretation of the mathematical model were carried out using the Statistica 12 software suite. Contour plots were created using a polynomial fit with fitted functions characterised by a correlation coefficient of at least 0.80. This type of experimental design was successfully used numerous times in concrete technology, including concretes based on waste aggregates and steel fibre-reinforced concretes [ 21 ]. The number, shape, and size of specimens utilised for each test are presented in Table 4

An ordinary integral simplex design (also known as a mixture design) [ 21 ] was utilised in this research. The three types of aggregate were named as follows:—red ceramic waste;—natural aggregate;—white ceramic waste. Due to the different specific gravity values of red ceramic waste, white ceramic waste, and natural aggregate, the materials were dosed by volume. The specific property of the mixture design was that the sum of the volume of all three ingredients was always equal to 100%. In this case, the three aggregates played the roles of the ingredients. The utilised design is described in detail in Table 3

4. Results

3 for composites based solely on the red ceramic waste aggregate to values over 2.350 kg/dm3 for composites based solely on the natural aggregate. The composite created using only the white ceramic waste aggregate was characterised by a density of 2.117 kg/dm3. These results are presented in


-axis represents the proportion of red ceramic in the concrete aggregate mix, the


-axis represents the natural aggregate proportion, and the


-axis represents the white ceramic proportion. Density graph lines can be seen within the triangle, representing the fractions of the aggregates. The densities of all the concrete mixes with the addition of steel fibre (see 3, to the concrete mix, which was characterised by a density of roughly 2.200 kg/dm3, would increase its density. This phenomenon was described in the literature and is associated with extra air being trapped in mixes containing the fibre [

The densities of the hardened composites comprised the first property to be tested. The density of the mixes with no fibre ranged from 2.033 kg/dmfor composites based solely on the red ceramic waste aggregate to values over 2.350 kg/dmfor composites based solely on the natural aggregate. The composite created using only the white ceramic waste aggregate was characterised by a density of 2.117 kg/dm. These results are presented in Figure 7 a in the form of a ternary contour plot, where the-axis represents the proportion of red ceramic in the concrete aggregate mix, the-axis represents the natural aggregate proportion, and the-axis represents the white ceramic proportion. Density graph lines can be seen within the triangle, representing the fractions of the aggregates. The densities of all the concrete mixes with the addition of steel fibre (see Figure 7 b–d) were quite similar. Adding the steel fibre, which was characterised by a density of 7.600 kg/dm, to the concrete mix, which was characterised by a density of roughly 2.200 kg/dm, would increase its density. This phenomenon was described in the literature and is associated with extra air being trapped in mixes containing the fibre [ 26 ].

Results regarding the compressive strength tested on the cube specimens are presented in Figure 8 . In the case of the SFRC based on an ordinary aggregate, the compressive strength is usually influenced by the addition of steel fibre in a very limited way [ 27 ]. A very different phenomenon is presented in Figure 8

The compressive strength ranged from 17.5 to 85.3 MPa for the SFRC with 1.5% steel fibre, which was solely based on red and white ceramic, respectively. The differences resulting from less steel fibre addition and the concrete mixes containing no fibre were smaller, but still significant.


). The velocity was influenced by the aggregate (red ceramic is porous, whereas white ceramic is nonporous) and the addition of steel fibre. The highest velocity was associated with no-fibre, white ceramic concrete (just over 5 km/s) and the lowest velocity was observed with the no-fibre, red ceramic concrete (almost 2.5 km/s). In theory, the addition of steel fibre should increase the ultrasonic pulse velocity, but the extra entrapped air effectively contradicted this process. All of the tested SFRCs were characterised by an ultrasonic pulse velocity ranging between the values achieved by the concretes with no fibre. Once the velocities were determined for all of the concretes in question, general ideas about their quality and uniformity could be attained. The velocity of the ultrasonic pulse was used to classify the quality of the tested concretes [


> 4.5 km/s, 4.5 km/s >


> 3.5 km/s, and 3.5 km/s >


> 3.0 km/s, of velocity which was associated with concrete quality (excellent, good, or medium, respectively). Results below 3.0 km/s were recognised as unsatisfactory. Tested concretes covering the whole range of possible results demonstrated the significant impact of aggregates and fibre addition on the properties and qualities of cement composites.

Before destructive testing, all specimens were used to measure the ultrasonic pulse velocity (). The velocity was influenced by the aggregate (red ceramic is porous, whereas white ceramic is nonporous) and the addition of steel fibre. The highest velocity was associated with no-fibre, white ceramic concrete (just over 5 km/s) and the lowest velocity was observed with the no-fibre, red ceramic concrete (almost 2.5 km/s). In theory, the addition of steel fibre should increase the ultrasonic pulse velocity, but the extra entrapped air effectively contradicted this process. All of the tested SFRCs were characterised by an ultrasonic pulse velocity ranging between the values achieved by the concretes with no fibre. Once the velocities were determined for all of the concretes in question, general ideas about their quality and uniformity could be attained. The velocity of the ultrasonic pulse was used to classify the quality of the tested concretes [ 28 29 ] using three main ranges, i.e.,> 4.5 km/s, 4.5 km/s >> 3.5 km/s, and 3.5 km/s >> 3.0 km/s, of velocity which was associated with concrete quality (excellent, good, or medium, respectively). Results below 3.0 km/s were recognised as unsatisfactory. Tested concretes covering the whole range of possible results demonstrated the significant impact of aggregates and fibre addition on the properties and qualities of cement composites.


) was then calculated, as described by Neville [









is the density of hardened concrete (kg/m3) and


is the ultrasonic pulse velocity (m/s).

The value of the dynamic modulus of elasticity () was then calculated, as described by Neville [ 24 ]. The calculation was based on the assumption that the tested concrete was homogeneous, isotropic, and elastic. A simplified equation which did not require the value of Poisson’s ratio was used (see Equation (1)) [ 24 ].whereis the density of hardened concrete (kg/m) andis the ultrasonic pulse velocity (m/s).


Cement composites do not fulfil the physical requirements for the validity of the above equation, nevertheless, numerous researchers [ 28 30 ] successfully utilised it for quality control and technical checks of concrete structures in service. The test is very handy for the detection of voids, deterioration processes of different origins, and general uniformity of the cast concrete [ 31 ]. The dynamic modulus of elasticity values calculated for all of the tested concretes is presented in Figure 9 with the help of a relative scale.

Assessment of flexural characteristics of the concretes in question was based on the registered load–crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD, as defined in EN 14651:2007) relationship. Specimens were considered to be ultimately destroyed after achieving a CMOD equal to 4 mm. Exemplary registered load–CMOD diagrams are presented in Figure 10


of a particular concrete and all four residual strengths, i.e.,

fR1, fR2, fR3

, and


The achieved values of


are presented in

The load–CMOD diagrams were used to define the limit of proportionalityof a particular concrete and all four residual strengths, i.e.,, andThe achieved values ofare presented in Figure 11

The last tested property was shear strength, which is very important in the case of SFRC because it differentiates these materials significantly from ordinary concretes. The achieved results of shear strength are presented in Figure 12 . SFRCs with high volumes of fibre were characterised by almost twice the shear strength of that exhibited by concrete-based aggregates with no fibre.

Fiber-Reinforced Concrete: A Comprehensive Review and ...


Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) is a composite material consisting of a cementitious matrix reinforced with discrete fibers. These fibers are usually added to the concrete mixture to enhance its mechanical properties, durability, and overall performance. FRC has gained significant attention in the construction industry as an innovative solution to deal with the limitations of conventional concrete.

Concrete is known for its great compressive strength but is relatively weak in tension. Cracks in concrete can propagate due to applied loads, temperature fluctuations, or shrinkage, which can compromise its structural integrity. The addition of fibers to the concrete matrix provides reinforcement and effectively controls crack formation and propagation. This reinforcement mechanism makes FRC an attractive alternative to traditional concrete, especially in applications where crack resistance and improved durability are paramount.

FRC can be produced using various types of fibers, such as steel, synthetic, glass, natural, and carbon fibers. Each fiber type possesses unique characteristics that influence the behavior and properties of FRC. For instance, steel fibers offer high tensile strength and ductility, while synthetic fibers provide improved resistance to shrinkage cracks and plastic shrinkage. Glass fibers exhibit excellent chemical resistance, and carbon fibers offer high strength-to-weight ratio.

In addition to enhanced mechanical properties, FRC exhibits improved durability traits compared to conventional concrete. Fibers provide microscopic reinforcement throughout the concrete, reducing crack width and limiting the ingress of harmful substances, such as water, chlorides, and aggressive chemicals. This enhanced durability increases the lifespan of structures and reduces maintenance requirements over time.

The optimization of FRC mix design involves determining the appropriate combination of cement, aggregates, water, and fibers to achieve the desired mechanical performance. The volume fraction, aspect ratio, and dispersion of fibers play a crucial role in determining the mechanical properties and behavior of FRC. Consequently, the development of effective mixing techniques, fiber dispersion methods, and fiber-matrix interfacial bonding has been the subject of extensive research in the field.

FRC finds application in various structural and non-structural elements, including bridges, pavements, tunnel linings, precast elements, and architectural facades. Its use in retrofitting and rehabilitation projects has shown promising results in improving the load-carrying capacity and seismic resistance of existing structures. The potential to incorporate FRC into sustainable construction practices has gained significant interest, as it contributes to reduced material consumption, improved energy efficiency, and reduced environmental impact.

Fiber Types and Characteristics

Carbon fibers

1. Steel Fibers:

Steel fibers are among the most widely used fibers in FRC due to their high tensile strength, excellent bonding properties, and ease of availability. They are typically produced through a process of cutting or cold-drawing steel wire into desired lengths. Common steel fiber types include hooked, crimped, and smooth fibers.


- High tensile strength, enabling improved crack resistance and post-crack behavior

- Enhanced bond strength with the concrete matrix, leading to improved load transfer

- Suitable for high-performance applications, such as industrial floors, shotcrete, and tunnel linings

- Can provide ductility and toughness to the FRC matrix, making it highly resistant to impact and blast loads

2. Glass Fibers:

Glass fibers used in FRC are typically manufactured by melting glass and extruding it into fine filaments formed into various geometries such as strands, rovings, or chopped fibers. Alkali-resistant glass (ARG) fibers are commonly used to prevent the fiber degradation caused by the highly alkaline environment of concrete.


- High tensile strength and superior resistance to chemical attacks

- Excellent dimensional stability and resistance to high temperatures

- Suitable for architectural applications, thin-section elements, and decorative concrete

3. Synthetic Fibers:

Synthetic fibers in FRC are typically made from materials such as polypropylene, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyethylene, polyester, and nylon. These fibers are manufactured through extrusion or spinning processes, resulting in various types, including monofilament, fibrillated, or microfibers.


- Low density, contributing to lightweight FRC structures

- Good resistance to chemical attacks and degradation

- Improved freeze-thaw resistance and reduced permeability in the concrete matrix

- Ideal for applications like precast elements, architectural panels, and structural overlays

4. Natural Fibers:

Natural fibers in FRC include materials like sisal, jute, coconut, bamboo, and hemp. These fibers are extracted from plant sources and processed into various forms like fibers, strands, or woven mats.


- Biodegradable and renewable, making them environmentally friendly

- Good thermal insulation and acoustic properties

- Moderate tensile strength, providing crack control and reduced shrinkage cracks

- Suitable for non-structural applications such as pavement, flooring, and non-load-bearing elements

5. Carbon Fibers:

Carbon fibers are highly engineered fibers produced from strands of carbon atoms. They possess high strength and modulus, making them suitable for applications requiring exceptional performance.


- Very high tensile strength, stiffness, and low weight

- Excellent resistance to corrosion, chemical attacks, and high temperatures

- Ideal for high-performance applications such as earthquake-resistant structures, aerospace structures, and high-rise buildings

6. Other Emerging Fibers:

The field of FRC continues to evolve, leading to the development of new and innovative fiber types. These include nanofibers, hybrid fibers, and bio-based fibers. Nanofibers offer improved mechanical properties at a microscopic scale, while hybrid fibers combine the benefits of multiple fiber types. Bio-based fibers are made from renewable sources, aligning with sustainable construction practices.

Material Properties

Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) exhibits distinct material properties compared to traditional concrete due to the incorporation of various types of reinforcing fibers. These fibers enhance the concrete's strength, ductility, toughness, and crack resistance. Understanding the material properties of FRC is crucial for optimizing its performance in different applications. This section provides an overview of the material properties of FRC, including the influence of fiber types and characteristics, as well as the impact of fiber volume fraction on its mechanical behavior.

1. Influence of Fiber Types and Characteristics:

The choice of fiber type significantly affects the material properties of FRC. Different fiber types such as steel, synthetic, glass, natural, and carbon fibers exhibit distinct characteristics.

- Steel fibers: These fibers, typically made of carbon or stainless steel, offer high tensile strength and ductility, contributing to improved flexural behavior, crack resistance, and impact resistance of FRC.

- Synthetic fibers: Polypropylene, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyester, and other synthetic fibers provide low-cost reinforcement and are effective in reducing plastic shrinkage cracks and improving the durability properties of FRC.

- Glass fibers: With high tensile strength and excellent chemical resistance, glass fibers enhance the flexural and impact resistance of FRC, making them suitable for applications requiring enhanced durability.

- Natural fibers: Sisal, jute, coir, and bamboo fibers are environmentally friendly alternatives that offer adequate reinforcing capabilities, reducing crack propagation and increasing the tensile and flexural strength of FRC.

- Carbon fibers: These ultra-high-performance fibers possess exceptional mechanical properties, including high tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and resistance to corrosion. The incorporation of carbon fibers in FRC enhances its flexural strength and crack resistance.

2. Fiber Volume Fraction and Mechanical Behavior:

The volume fraction of fibers in FRC plays a critical role in determining its mechanical behavior. Increasing the fiber volume fraction enhances the tensile strength, flexural strength, and energy absorption capacity of FRC. However, there is an optimal fiber content beyond which further increment may result in decreased workability, increased brittleness, and difficulty in achieving proper fiber dispersion during mixing.

Maintaining a suitable fiber volume fraction ensures adequate distribution of fibers throughout the concrete matrix, enhancing its crack resistance and overall structural integrity. The optimal fiber volume fraction varies depending on the specific application and the type of fibers used.

3. Durability Properties:

In addition to improved mechanical properties, FRC also exhibits enhanced durability characteristics compared to traditional concrete. The presence of fibers can help mitigate crack propagation, resist cyclic loading, and reduce the effects of shrinkage and thermal stresses. This results in improved resistance to abrasion, impact, freeze-thaw cycles, and chemical attack. The specific durability properties of FRC may vary based on the fiber type, dosage, and fiber-matrix interaction.

4. Microstructural Analysis:

Microstructural analysis techniques, such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, can provide valuable insights into the fiber-matrix interface, porosity, and hydration products in FRC. These analyses help understand the bonding mechanisms between fibers and the matrix, fiber dispersion, and the overall microstructural characteristics of FRC, contributing to the assessment of its mechanical and durability properties.

Understanding the material properties of FRC, influenced by fiber types, characteristics, fiber volume fraction, and microstructural characteristics, is essential for optimizing its performance in various applications. By tailoring these properties, FRC can be designed to meet the specific requirements of structural and non-structural elements, leading to improved durability, crack resistance, and overall performance.

Influence of Fiber Parameters

1. Fiber Type:

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The type of fiber used in FRC plays a vital role in determining its mechanical properties and performance. Steel fibers are commonly used and exhibit high tensile and flexural strength, improving the crack resistance and post-cracking behavior of FRC. Synthetic fibers, such as polypropylene, nylon, and polyester, provide excellent impact resistance and reduce the formation of plastic shrinkage cracks. Glass fibers offer high tensile strength and modulus, making them suitable for applications requiring high-performance FRC. Natural fibers, such as sisal, jute, coir, and bamboo, are environmentally friendly options, contributing to sustainable construction practices.

2. Aspect Ratio and Geometry:

The aspect ratio of fibers, defined as the ratio of fiber length to diameter, significantly affects the mechanical properties of FRC. Long, slender fibers with high aspect ratios generally provide better reinforcement and crack resistance. However, excessively long fibers can lead to balling and difficulty in workability. Fiber geometry, such as shape and surface characteristics, can influence the bond between the fiber and the matrix. Textured or hooked fibers enhance the bond strength, improving load transfer and crack resistance.

3. Fiber Volume Fraction:

The volume fraction of fibers in FRC refers to the percentage of fiber volume compared to the total volume of the composite. Higher fiber volume fractions generally lead to improved mechanical properties, such as increased tensile and flexural strength. However, there is a limit beyond which the benefits diminish and may result in decreased workability and increased cost. The optimum fiber volume fraction varies depending on the specific application and desired performance requirements.

4. Fiber Dispersion and Bond Strength:

Proper fiber dispersion within the concrete matrix is essential for achieving uniform mechanical properties and optimal reinforcement. Improved fiber dispersion leads to increased load transfer and crack-bridging capabilities. Adequate bond strength between the fiber and the surrounding matrix is crucial for ensuring effective stress transfer from the matrix to the fibers. Poor bond strength may result in fiber pullout and reduced reinforcement potential.

5. Other Factors:

Apart from the aforementioned parameters, other factors such as fiber alignment, curing conditions, and mixing techniques can also influence the performance of FRC. Proper fiber orientation and alignment contribute to enhanced load-bearing capacity and crack control. Curing conditions, including temperature and moisture, influence the hydration and development of concrete strength in the presence of fibers. The choice of mixing technique ensures proper fiber dispersion and minimizes the risk of fiber entanglement or balling.

Understanding the influence of fiber parameters in FRC allows engineers and researchers to tailor the mix design and optimize the performance of the composite for specific applications. Careful selection of fiber type, aspect ratio, volume fraction, and effective fiber dispersion can result in improved mechanical properties, crack control, and durability of FRC structures. Additionally, further research is still needed to explore the optimal combinations of fiber parameters and their synergistic effects for achieving advanced FRC properties.

Optimization Techniques

Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) offers numerous advantages in terms of enhancing the mechanical properties and performance of concrete structures. To maximize the benefits of FRC, various optimization techniques have been developed and employed. These techniques aim to improve the dispersion of fibers, enhance the bond between fibers and the matrix, and optimize the overall mix design to achieve the desired performance characteristics. This section discusses key optimization techniques employed in FRC production.

1. Mix Design Optimization:

Optimizing the mix design is fundamental for achieving the desired mechanical properties and performance of FRC. The proportions of cementitious materials, aggregates, water, and fibers should be carefully adjusted to achieve the optimum mix design. The fiber volume fraction is a crucial parameter that significantly affects the mechanical properties of FRC. A balance must be struck to ensure adequate fiber dispersion while maintaining the workability and pumpability of the concrete mix. Various modeling and analytical techniques, such as the Fiber Volume Fraction Method and the Arch’s Law, can be utilized to optimize the mix design.

2. Surface Treatment and Bonding Agents:

Enhancing the bond between fibers and the matrix is essential in FRC. Surface treatment of fibers can improve their adhesion to the cementitious matrix. Common surface treatments include chemical treatments, such as alkali silane treatment, and physical treatments, such as shot blasting or grinding. Selecting suitable bonding agents can also improve bonding performance. These agents improve the adhesion between fibers and the matrix, leading to enhanced overall performance.

3. Tailored Fiber Placement:

Optimizing the placement and orientation of fibers within the concrete matrix is crucial for achieving improved performance. Tailored fiber placement techniques involve strategically positioning the fibers to ensure optimal distribution and alignment. Techniques such as layer-by-layer casting, fiber spraying, and robotic-assisted placement are employed to achieve better fiber dispersion and alignment, resulting in improved mechanical properties and crack control.

4. Supplementary Materials:

The introduction of supplementary materials in FRC can potentially enhance its properties. For example, incorporating finely ground mineral admixtures like silica fume or fly ash can improve the interfacial bond between fibers and the cementitious matrix, leading to increased strength and durability. Additionally, adding high-range water-reducing admixtures or superplasticizers can improve the workability, facilitating better fiber dispersion.

5. Fiber Hybridization:

Combining different types of fibers in FRC allows for enhanced mechanical properties and tailored performance characteristics. Fiber hybridization involves utilizing different types of fibers, such as steel fibers with synthetic fibers or natural fibers with glass fibers, to achieve synergistic effects. This hybridization can enhance crack resistance, flexural strength, and impact resistance, as each fiber type contributes its unique properties to the matrix.

6. Fiber-Matrix Compatibility:

The compatibility between fibers and the matrix is crucial for optimizing FRC performance. The selection of appropriate fibers that are compatible with the cementitious matrix is critical. Considerations of factors such as fiber length, aspect ratio, elastic modulus, and tensile strength are important to ensure uniform stress transfer between the fibers and the matrix.

Performance Evaluation and Testing

Performance evaluation and testing of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) play a crucial role in ensuring the quality, reliability, and structural integrity of FRC elements. Testing methods are employed to ascertain the mechanical properties, durability characteristics, and overall performance of FRC under various loading conditions. This section focuses on the commonly used testing techniques for evaluating FRC performance.

1. Mechanical Testing

1.1 Compressive Strength Test: This test determines the compressive strength of FRC specimens according to standardized procedures such as ASTM C39/C39M. It involves subjecting cured cylindrical or cubical specimens to axial compressive forces and measuring the maximum load-bearing capacity.

1.2 Split Tensile Strength Test: The split tensile strength test, performed according to ASTM C496/C496M, evaluates the tensile strength of FRC specimens by applying a dynamic load perpendicular to a prepared cylinder or prism.

1.3 Flexural Strength Test: The flexural strength of FRC is determined by subjecting prismatic or beam specimens to bending forces using standardized procedures such as ASTM C78/C78M or ASTM C1609/C1609M.

2. Durability Testing

2.1 Abrasion Resistance: Abrasion tests, such as ASTM C944/C944M, are conducted to evaluate the resistance of FRC to wear caused by mechanical surface abrasion. The test involves subjecting the FRC surface to rotating abrasive wheels and measuring the mass loss or depth of wear.

2.2 Freeze-Thaw Resistance: Freeze-thaw testing assesses the durability of FRC when subjected to repeated cycles of freezing and thawing in a controlled laboratory environment. It helps identify potential damage due to the expansion of moisture within the FRC matrix, as per standards like ASTM C666/C666M.

2.3 Impact Resistance: Impact resistance tests, such as ASTM D5628, evaluate the ability of FRC to resist impact forces. These tests involve subjecting FRC specimens to falling-weight impacts using a pendulum or drop tower apparatus while measuring the energy absorbed and damage sustained.

2.4 Chloride Ion Permeability: Determining the chloride ion permeability of FRC provides insight into its resistance to chloride attack and potential corrosion of embedded reinforcement. Techniques like ASTM C1556 assess the diffusion of chloride ions through FRC specimens and measure the resulting electrical conductivity.

3. Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

3.1 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV): UPV testing involves transmitting ultrasonic pulses through FRC elements and measuring the travel time to determine material properties such as density, homogeneity, and integrity. This non-destructive evaluation method helps assess the overall quality and potential defects within FRC.

3.2 Impact-Echo Testing: Impact-echo techniques utilize stress wave propagation to assess the structural integrity of FRC elements. By introducing an impact load and analyzing the resulting acoustic response, it provides information on potential voids, delaminations, or cracks within the material.

3.3 Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR): GPR surveys the subsurface of FRC elements by emitting electromagnetic waves and analyzing the reflections for detecting internal voids, reinforcing bars, and other anomalies. GPR assists in evaluating the quality of FRC and identifying potential defects.

4. Microstructural Characterization

4.1 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM): SEM analysis enables the examination of FRC microstructure at high magnification, providing insights into the distribution, morphology, and interfacial characteristics of fibers within the matrix. It helps assess the fiber-matrix bond and potential issues related to fiber pullout or debonding.

4.2 X-ray Diffraction (XRD): XRD analysis allows for the identification and quantification of crystalline phases in FRC. By studying the mineralogical composition, XRD provides information on the hydration products, extent of hydration, and potential reactions affecting the FRC matrix's properties.

4.3 X-ray Fluorescence (XRF): XRF analysis helps determine the elemental composition of FRC, providing insights into the presence and concentrations of various chemical constituents. It assists in evaluating the consistency and composition of FRC mixtures and identifying potential impurities or variations impacting performance.

Challenges and Future Directions

Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) has emerged as a promising construction material due to its improved mechanical properties, durability, and crack resistance compared to traditional concrete. However, several challenges still exist in the widespread adoption and implementation of FRC. Addressing these challenges and exploring future directions can further enhance the application and performance of FRC in the construction industry.

1. Fiber Dispersion and Orientation:

Achieving uniform dispersion and alignment of fibers within the concrete matrix is critical for optimizing FRC performance. Challenges arise in ensuring proper fiber distribution, especially in complex shapes or heavily reinforced sections. Future research should focus on developing innovative techniques and additives that improve fiber dispersion and orientation, ensuring consistent reinforcement throughout the entire concrete structure.

2. Mix Design and Proportioning:

Designing an optimal mix proportion for FRC can be challenging due to the complex interaction between various components, such as fibers, aggregates, and cementitious materials. Future studies should focus on developing advanced mix design methodologies, considering fiber type, length, volume fraction, and compatibility with other constituents. These advancements will enable the production of FRC with tailored properties for specific applications.

3. Structural Design Guidelines:

Current design codes and standards often lack specific guidelines for FRC, leading to a reluctance to adopt FRC in large-scale projects. Future directions involve the development of comprehensive design guidelines that incorporate FRC's unique properties and behavior. These guidelines should address factors such as load-carrying capacity, crack control, and long-term performance, enabling designers to confidently implement FRC in various structural applications.

4. Cost-effectiveness and Economic Viability:

The initial cost of FRC can be higher than that of traditional concrete due to the inclusion of fibers and potential modifications in the production process. Future research should focus on developing cost-effective production techniques and identifying strategies to optimize the cost-benefit ratio of FRC. This could include exploring techniques to reduce material costs, improving production efficiencies, and quantifying the long-term economic advantages of using FRC in terms of reduced maintenance and extended service life.

5. Durability Considerations:

While FRC demonstrates enhanced durability compared to traditional concrete, challenges remain in understanding the long-term behavior of FRC under various exposure conditions. Future research should focus on investigating the durability performance of FRC in aggressive environments, such as marine environments, chemical exposure, and freeze-thaw cycles. Additionally, exploring the compatibility between fibers and the cementitious matrix to ensure long-term durability is crucial.

6. Sustainability and Environmental Impact:

As sustainability becomes a key consideration in construction practices, there is a need to evaluate the environmental impact of FRC. Future research should focus on conducting life cycle assessments (LCA) to quantify the environmental footprint of FRC production, usage, and disposal. This includes the assessment of raw material extraction, energy consumption, carbon emissions, and waste generation associated with FRC. Identifying opportunities to enhance the sustainability of FRC through recycled or eco-friendly fibers is also crucial.

7. Advanced Manufacturing Techniques:

Innovations in manufacturing processes can significantly impact the production and application of FRC. Future research should explore advanced manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing of FRC structures, automated fiber placement, and efficient quality control measures. These advancements can improve efficiency, reduce labor costs, and enable the construction of complex and customized FRC elements.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Bridge Construction


A bridge construction project in a coastal region required a durable and resilient material that could withstand the harsh environmental conditions, including saltwater exposure and high winds. Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) was chosen as the ideal material for this project due to its enhanced crack resistance and improved durability compared to conventional concrete.


Steel fibers were incorporated into the concrete mix at a volume fraction of 1.5% to provide reinforcement and increase the structural integrity of the bridge elements. The FRC was designed with a high compressive strength of 50 MPa, ensuring the ability to support heavy loads and resist potential impacts from marine vessels.


The use of FRC in bridge construction proved highly successful. The steel fibers effectively controlled crack propagation, minimizing the potential for corrosion and ensuring long-term performance. The bridge demonstrated exceptional durability and withstood the corrosive effects of saltwater exposure, requiring minimal maintenance. Additionally, the FRC provided sufficient flexural strength, allowing the bridge to withstand extreme wind loads without structural failure.

Case Study 2: Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Industrial Flooring


An industrial facility required a high-strength flooring solution that could withstand heavy machinery loads, impact loads, and mechanical abrasion. Traditional concrete alone was not sufficient to meet these stringent requirements. Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) was selected as the material of choice due to its ability to improve impact resistance, reduce crack formation, and enhance overall durability.


Synthetic polypropylene fibers were utilized in the concrete mix to reinforce the flooring. The FRC mix had a compressive strength of 40 MPa and incorporated 0.5% by volume of fibers. The flooring was designed to withstand point loads, heavy equipment traffic, and potential chemical spills.


The application of FRC in industrial flooring proved to be highly advantageous. The polypropylene fibers effectively reduced shrinkage cracks, improving the flooring's resistance to mechanical stresses. The FRC flooring exhibited superior impact resistance, withstanding heavy machinery loads without visible surface damage. Moreover, the fibers provided enhanced durability, ensuring longevity in a demanding industrial environment with minimal maintenance requirements.

Case Study 3: Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in Repair and Rehabilitation Applications


A historical building in an earthquake-prone region required repair and rehabilitation to enhance its structural integrity and seismic performance. Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) was chosen to reinforce the deficient elements of the structure, minimizing cracking and improving ductility.


A combination of steel and glass fibers was incorporated into the concrete mix to provide reinforcement. The FRC repair materials were carefully selected to match the original concrete's color and texture, preserving the building's aesthetic appearance. Construction techniques such as shotcreting and casting were used to ensure an efficient and durable repair.


The use of FRC in the repair and rehabilitation of the historical building yielded remarkable results. The fibers effectively controlled crack propagation and improved the structural ductility, enhancing the building's resistance to seismic forces. The repaired sections demonstrated superior long-term performance, maintaining their structural integrity without signs of degradation. The FRC materials seamlessly blended with the original concrete, preserving the building's historical significance. The successful application of FRC ensured the longevity and safety of the structure for future generations.


Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) offers immense potential for enhancing the structural performance, durability, and sustainability of concrete structures. This research has provided a comprehensive analysis of FRC, exploring its material properties, mechanical behavior, and optimization techniques.

Through the investigation of various fiber types, including steel, synthetic, glass, natural, and carbon fibers, we have gained insights into their morphological, manufacturing, and mechanical properties. Additionally, we have examined the influence of fiber volume fraction, aspect ratio, and dispersion on the fresh and hardened properties of FRC, as well as the role of fiber-matrix interfaces and stability during production processes.

The review highlights the significant improvements that FRC can bring to the mechanical and durability characteristics of concrete, including increased compressive strength, enhanced flexural and tensile strength, and improved resistance to impact, abrasion, and freeze-thaw cycles. Furthermore, microstructural analysis has shed light on the fiber-matrix interface, porosity, and hydration products, providing a deeper understanding of FRC's performance.

Optimization techniques for FRC have been presented, including mix design proportioning, surface treatment, tailored fiber placement, and the incorporation of supplementary materials. These techniques offer opportunities for improving FRC properties and achieving desired performance characteristics. Experimental testing methods, microstructural characterization techniques, and non-destructive testing methods have been discussed as means of evaluating and assessing FRC's performance.

While FRC presents significant potential, there are certain challenges that need to be addressed, such as the proper handling and integration of fibers during mixing and casting processes, as well as the need for sustainable production methods and life cycle assessment considerations.

Looking ahead, future research should focus on addressing these challenges, further refining optimization techniques, and exploring novel types of fibers for FRC. Additionally, the integration of FRC into construction codes and standards should be encouraged to promote its wider adoption in practice.

For more information, please visit crimped steel fiber.





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