How to Choose the Best Livestock Fencing
Dec. 23, 2024
How to Choose the Best Livestock Fencing
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If you keep livestock on your farm, proper fencing is a must. Some animals, however, are easier to fence in than others. Heres an overview of the best types of fencing for a variety of common livestock.
Its relatively easy to fence in cattle. Consequently, woven wire, barbed wire and electric fencing are all suitable options. However, if youre using woven wire or barbed wire, placing a strand of electric wire along the top can help prevent your cattle from leaning over the fence. Additionally, if you need to separate bulls from cows, its a good idea to use heavy-duty wire fencing to prevent them from escaping.
When it comes to fencing for horses, visibility is key. Horses must be able to clearly see the fence, so they dont run into it or become tangled in it. Barbed wire fencing should therefore be avoided. Since horses are easily spooked, they can severely injure themselves if they run into it. Wood post-and-board fencing is ideal. No-climb woven wire fencing, however, is also suitable, provided its clearly visible. For example, you can hang ribbons or plastic flagging along the fence to make it easier to see.
Goats and sheep
Goats are curious animals and are known for being master escape artists. Consequently, woven mesh or net wire fencing is your best bet. Its durable and easy to install. This type of fencing is also ideal for sheep because it effectively keeps out predators like coyotes. The most important aspect of this type of fencing is to choose a weave pattern thats small enough to prevent your livestock from injuring themselves or getting their heads stuck. Generally, fencing with four-inch square holes will do the trick.
Additional resources:Everything You Need To Know To Find The Best Double Wire Fence
Are you interested in learning more about Cattle Fence Panel? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!
If you need to fence in pigs, high-tensile wire fencing is a great choice. Its sturdy and wont collapse if a pig leans against it or runs into it. Just make sure your enclosure is low to the ground to prevent your pigs from rooting. You can also place one strand of barbed wire or electric wire along the bottom of the fence to prevent them from digging underneath it.
If you need help choosing the right fencing for your livestock, the team at Ontario Wholesale Farm Direct is happy to help.
Farm fencing supplies in Ontario
At Ontario Wholesale Farm Direct, we carry a wide variety of cattle fencing, livestock panels, feeders, gates, farm equipment and more. We proudly serve farms of all kinds across Ontario, including large commercial farms, hobby farms and individual farms. For more information about our products, contact us today.
Cattle Fencing: Best Types & Recommendations
When looking for the best fence for cattle, always consider which of the cattle fence designs best suits your property, your lifestyle and your budget.
Whether you have a few cattle or a whole herd, you will want to invest in a quality cattle fence to secure your animals and give yourself some peace of mind. Cattle fence designs can range from a couple of strands of high tensile to board fence depending on budget and personal preference. High tensile and woven wire are normally considered the best fence for both dairy and beef cattle. If you are raising a more exotic cattle , you may want to consult with a breeder
for recommendations on fencing.
High Tensile Fencing for Cattle
High tensile cattle fence will offer an affordable option for large projects. The number of strands can vary from 2 to 8 strands with one or more being electrified. The number of strands as well as the number of strands that are electrified for high tensile cattle fence takes into consideration the size of the animals and how aggressive the animals are. The best fence for cattle when they are young and more bold will require more strands than cattle fence for an older established herd.
Woven Wire Fencing for Cattle
Woven wire cattle fence will be secure and more versatile should you decide to use the area for something other than cattle. Cattle fence designs using woven wire include adding a strand of electric fence or barbed wire to prevent the cattle from pushing against the fence.
Post and Board Fencing
A post and board cattle fence will be better suited for smaller areas. This type fence will be more expensive and require more maintenance than a wire cattle fence.
All of the cattle fence designs offered can easily incorporate various sizes and styles of gates. Be sure to give some thought about the location and size of gates. It is easier to add them at the time of installation than to add them to your cattle fence later on.
For more Welded Wire Mesh Panelinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.
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